National communism in western Europe- a third way to socialism? / edited by Howard Machin
London ; New York, 1983
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National cultures and european integration - exploratory essays on cultural diversity and common policies / edited by Staffan Zetterholm
Oxford etc. - Berg, 1994
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National foreign policies and European political cooperation / edited by Christopher Hill
London - Allen & Unwin, 1983
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The National Gallery - complete illustrated catalogue
(London) - National Gallery publications ltd., c1997
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National histories and European history / edited by Mary Fulbrook
London - UCL press, 1993
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National parliaments as cornerstones of european integration / ed. by Eivind Smith
London etc. - Kluwer Law International, 1996
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The national question in Europe in historical context / edited by Mikulas Teich and Roy Porter
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1993
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2.- National reports / European Commission
Luxembourg - Office for Official Publications of the European Communites, 2005
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The national systems of higher architectural education in Europe / editors- Jean Francois Mabardi, Renato Girelli
Milano - Unicopli, (1997)
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The national systems of higher engineering education in Europe / editors- Michel Giot, Philippe D. Grosjean
Pisa - ETS, 1995
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National theatre in northern and eastern Europe, 1746-1900 / edited by Laurence Senelick ; associate editors- Peter Bilton ... (ed altri)
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University press, 1991
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Nationale Bewegung und soziale Organisation - vergleichende Studien zur nationalen Vereinsbewegung des 19. Jahrhunderts in Europa / herausgegeben von Theodor Schieder ... (ed altri) ; mit Beitragen von Peter Alter ... (ed altri)
Munchen ; Wien, 1978-
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Nationale Grenzen und internationaler Austausch - Studien zum Kultur- und Wissenschaftstransfer in Europa / hrsg. von L. Jordan und B. Kortlander
Tubingen - Niemeyer, 1995
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Nationalism and nationalities in the new Europe / edited by Charles A. Kupchan
Ithaca - Cornell University press, c1995
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Nationalism and postcommunism - a collection of essays / edited by Aleksandar Pavkovic, Halyna Kosharsky, Adam Czarnota
Aldershot (etc.) - Dartmouth, c1995
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