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The new politics of European integration / edited by Ghita Ionescu
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The new politics of unemployment - radical policy initiatives in Western Europe / edited by Hugh Compston
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New religions and new religiosity / edited by Eileen Barker & Margit Warburg
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New religious movements and the law in the European union - proceedings of the Meeting, Lisbon, Universidade moderna, 8-9 November, 1997
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A new silk road?
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The new social democracy / edited by Andrew Gamble and Tony Wright
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Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the european communities, 2007
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New territories - situations, projects, scenarios for the European city and territory / a cura di Paola Vigano'
Roma - Officina Edizioni, 2004
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The new transatlantic agenda and the future of EU-US relations / editor Jorg Monar
London (etc.) - Kluwer Law International, 1998
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New urban environments - British architecture and its European context / edited by Peter Murray and MaryAnne Stevens
Munich ; New York, (1998)
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News In Europa - rivista del Centro In Europa
Genova - Erga, 2001-
Pubblicazione Periodica
News networks in seventeenth-century Britain and Europe / edited by Joad Raymond
London ; New York - Routledge, 2006
Saggio Monografico
Newspapers in Central and Eastern Europe - papers presented at an IFLA conference held in Berlin, August 2003 / edited by Hartmut Walravens ; in cooperation with Marieluise Schilling
Munchen - K. G. Saur, 2005
Saggio Monografico