Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:

Pagina nr. 415
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1384


Rechtsstudium fur das Europa von morgen / heraugegeben von Fritz Schwind und Wilhelm Brauneder
Wien - Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991
Saggio Monografico

Reclams Kunstfuhrer
Stuttgart - Reclam
Saggio Monografico

Reconciliation between work and family life in Europe
(S.l. - European commission, (1998?
Saggio Monografico

Reconciliation of work and family life for men and women and the quality of care services - report on existing research in the European Union / European Commission
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1999
Saggio Monografico

Reconciling family and work - new challenges for social policies in Europe / edited by Giovanna Rossi
Milano - F. Angeli, (2006)
Saggio Monografico

Reconciling transportation, energy and environmental issues - the role of public transport - Budapest, Hungary 30 May - 1 June 1994, conference proceedings / International energy agency, Organisation for economic co-operation and development, European conference of ministers of transport, European commission
Paris - Ocde - Iea, c1995
Saggio Monografico

Les reconstructions en Europe, 1945-1949 / textes de Dominique Barjot ... et. al. ; sous la direction de Dominique Barjot, Remi BaudouI, Daniele Voldman
Bruxelles - Complexe, 1997
Saggio Monografico

Recueil des constitutions europeennes / Francis Delperee, Marc Verdussen, Karine Biver
Bruxelles - Bruylant, 1994
Saggio Monografico

Il recupero dei monumenti - architetture storiche e progetti culturali - recenti esperienze di riutilizzazione di 40 siti architettonici in Europa / a cura di Jean Noel Mathieu ; testi di Evdoxia Baniotopoulou ... (ed altri) ; fotografie del portfolio di John Davies ... (ed altri) ; portfolio a cura di William Guerrieri, Emmanuel Hermange
Cinisello Balsamo - Silvana, (2004)
Saggio Monografico

Redefining Europe - new patterns of conflict and cooperation / edited by Hugh Miall
London etc. - Pinter, 1994
Saggio Monografico

Redefining the CSCE - challenges and opportunities in the new Europe / edited by Ian M. Cuthbertson
New York - Institute for Eastwest Studies, c 1993
Saggio Monografico

Redrawing nations - ethnic cleansing in east-central Europe, 1944-1948 / edited by Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak
Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2001
Saggio Monografico

Reference guide to holocaust literature / introduction by James E. Young ; editor Thomas Riggs
Farmington Hills, MI - St. James Press, c2002
Saggio Monografico

The referendum experience in Europe / edited by Michael Gallagher and Pier Vincenzo Uleri
Basingstoke - Macmillan ; New York - St. Martin?s Press, 1996
Saggio Monografico

Reflections on the future of democracy in Europe - contributions to the future of democracy in Europe conference project on Making democratic institutions work, 17-19 november 2004 Barcelona
Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c2005
Saggio Monografico

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