Reforms in foreign economic relations of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union - proceedingd of a Symposium conducted in association with Osteuropa-Institut, Munich and Sudost-Institut, Munich / (organizated by the) United Nations economic commission for Europe ; edited by Michael Kaser and Aleksandar M. Vacic
New York - United Nations publications, 1991
Saggio Monografico
Regards sur le passe dans l'Europe des 16. et 17. siecles - actes du colloque organise par l'Universite de Nancy II - 14 au 16 decembre 1995 / textes reunis par Francine Wild
Bern etc. - Peter Lang, 1997
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Regesten und Register zu den Acta Helvetica, Gallica, Germanica, Hispanica, Sabaudica, etc., necnon genealogica stemmatis Zur-Laubiani / (hrsg. von der Aargauische Kantonsbibliothek) ; bearb. von Kurt-Werner Meier, Josef Schenker, Rainer Stockli
Aarau ; Frankfurt am Main ; Salzburg - Sauerlander
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Regieren in entgrenzten Raumen / hrgs. von Beate Kohler-Koch
Opladen - Westdeutscher, c1998
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Il regime dei suoli in Europa - acquisizione della aree e strumenti urbanistici in Gran Bretagna, Germania, Olanda, Spagna e Italia / scritti di C. Diamantini ... ed altri ; a cura di Maurizio Marcelloni ; presentazione di Francesco Indovina
Milano - F. Angeli, c1987
Saggio Monografico
Regimurile fasciste si totalitare din Europa / Institutul de studii istorice si social-politice de pe linga c.c. al P.c.r.
Bucuresti - Militara
Saggio Monografico
Region und Industrialisierung - Studien zur Rolle der Region in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte der letzen zwei Jahrhunderte / unter Mitwirkung von Lucian Holscher ; herausgegeben von Sidney Pollard
Gottingen - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980
Saggio Monografico
Regional cooperation and the european integration process - nordic and central european experiences - International Conference, Budapest, 10-11 March, 1996 / edited by Peter Bajtay
Budapest - Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, 1996
Saggio Monografico
Regional development - problems and policies in eastern and western Europe / edited by George Demko
London ; Sydney - Croom Helm, c1984
Saggio Monografico
Regional development strategies - a european perspective / edited by Jeremy Alden and Philip Boland
London (etc.) - J. Kingsley, 1996
Saggio Monografico
The regional dimension of unemployment in transition countries / (a cura del CCET)
Paris - OCDE, 1995
The regional dimension of unemployment in transition countries - a challenge for labour market and social policies
Paris - OECD, 1995
Saggio Monografico
Regional diversity in Europe- the role of different cultures in the construction of the European Union - conference proceedings - Trento, October 1st, 1993
Trento - Servizio studi of the Autonomous region of Trentino-South Tyrol, stampa 1994
Saggio Monografico
Regional private laws and codification in Europe / edited by Hector MacQueen, Antoni Vaquer and Santiago Espiau Espiau
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2003
Saggio Monografico
Die regionalen Unterschiede in Europa- die Rolle der verschiedenen regionalen Kulturen beim Aufbau der Europaischen Union - Berichte der Studientagung - Trient, 1. Oktober 1993
Trento - Diensteinheit fur Studien der Autonomen Region Trentino-Sudtirol, stampa 1994
Saggio Monografico