Thimm, Alfred L.
America?s stake in european telecommunication policies / Alfred L. Thimm
Westport, Connecticut ; London - Quorum Books, 1992
Saggio Monografico
Tholfsen, Trygve R.
Ideology and revolution in modern Europe - an essay on the role of ideas in history / Trygve R. Tholfsen
New York - Columbia University Press, 1984
Saggio Monografico
Thomas, Bruno
Armi e armature europee / Bruno Thomas, Ortwin Gamber, Hans Schedelmann
Milano - Bramante, 1965
Saggio Monografico
Thomas, Bruno
Armi e armature europee / Bruno Thomas, Ortwin Gamber, Hans Schedelmann ; edizione italiana a cura di Lionello Giorgio Boccia
Milano - Bramante, c1974
Saggio Monografico
Thomas, Daniel C.
The Helsinki effect - international norms, human rights, and the demise of communism / Daniel C. Thomas
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton university press, 2001
Saggio Monografico
Thomas, Jean
L' enseignement primaire et secondaire - tendances actuelles et problemes communs / par Jean Thomas et Jean Majault
Strasbourg - Conseil de la Cooperation Culturelle, 1963
Saggio Monografico
Thomas, Keith (1933- )
L' uomo e la natura - dallo sfruttamento all'estetica dell'ambiente, 1500-1800 / Keith Thomas ; traduzione di Elda Negri Monateri
Torino - G. Einaudi, 1994
Saggio Monografico
Thomas, Robert (1974- )
Legitimate expectations and proportionality in administrative law / by Robert Thomas
Oxford ; Portland, Oregon - Hart, 2000
Saggio Monografico
Thomaz de Bossierre, Yves - de
Francois Xavier Dentrecolles (Yin Hong-Siu Ki-Tsong) et l'apport de la Chine a l'Europe du 18. siecle / par Mme Yves de Thomaz de Bossierre ; avant-propos du P. Joseph Dehergne
Paris - Les belles lettres, 1982
Saggio Monografico
Thompson, Anthony
MEILLEUR - mobility of employement international for librarians in Europe - professional staff exchanges and secondments between libraries in Western Europe - a survey of opportunities and difficulties / by Anthony Thompson
London - Library Association - College of Librarianship Wales, 1977
Saggio Monografico
Thompson, James Westfall
L' espionnage politique en Europe de 1500 a 1815 - la diplomatie secrete / J. W. Thompson et S. K. Padover ; traduit de l'anglais par Adrien F. Vochelle ; avec trois documents
Paris - Payot, 1938
Saggio Monografico
Thomsen, Stephen
The evolution of Japanese direct investment in Europe - death of a transistor salesman / Stephen Thomsen, Phedon Nicolaides
New York ...(etc.) - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991
Saggio Monografico
Thomson, David (1912- )
3- Dal 1924 ai giorni nostri / David Thomson
Milano - Feltrinelli, 1965
Saggio Monografico
Thomson, David (1912- )
The democratic ideal in France and England / by David Thomson
Cambridge - at the University Press, 1944
Saggio Monografico
Thomson, David (1912- )
Europe since Napoleon / David Thomson
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1966
Saggio Monografico