The birdman / a film by Raffaele Passerini ; director of photography Nuno garcia ; original music by David Arkema ; producer Aurelia Musumeci Greco ; screenplay by Gwendolyn Warnock & raffaele Passerini ; directed & edited by Raffaele Passerini (Stati Uniti - Raffele Passerini, c2005) Audiovisivo The birds / (directed by) Alfred Hitchcock ; (based on the Daphne Du Mauriers classic suspence story) (Roma) - Universal pictures (distributore), c2001 Audiovisivo Birdy - le ali della liberta / directed by Alan Parker ; music by Peter Gabriel ; based upon the novel Birdy by William Wharton ; screenplay by Sandy Kroopf and Jack Behr (Roma) - RCA/Columbia pictures video (distributore), p1990 Audiovisivo Birdy - Le ali della liberta / directed by Alan Parker ; music by Peter Gabriel ; based upon the novel "Birdy" by William Wharton (Roma) - La Repubblica, 1996 Audiovisivo Birdy - le ali della liberta / directed by Alan Parker ; music by Peter Gabriel ; based upon the novel Birdy by William Wharton ; screenplay by Sandy Kroopf and Jack Behr (Italia) - Columbia Tristar Home Video, 2000 Audiovisivo Birdy - le ali della liberta / un film di Alan Parker ; music by Peter Gabriel ; based upon the novel by William Wharton ; screenplay by Sandy Kroopf & Jack Behr (Roma) - Columbia Tristar home video, c2000 Audiovisivo Birdy - le ali della liberta / an Alan Parker film ; music by Peter Gabriel ; based upon the novel Birdy by William Wharton ; screenplay by Sandy Kroopf & Jack Behr Italia - Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, c2005 Audiovisivo Birdy - le ali della liberta / un film di Alan Parker ; screenplay by Sandy Kropoff & Jack Behr ; based upon the novel by William Wharton ; music by Peter Gabriel (Italia - Sony Pictures home entertainment, c2006 Audiovisivo Il birichino di papa / regia di Raffaele Matarrazzo Milano - Broadcast, (199-?) Audiovisivo Birra ghiacciata ad Alessandria / regia Jack Lee Thompson ; interpreti- John Mills, Anthony Quayle, Silvia Sims (Bresso - Hobby & Work, c1996 Audiovisivo Birth io sono Sean / a Jonathan Glazer film ; music by Alexandre Desplat ; edited by Sam Sneade, Claus Wehlisch ; production designer Kevin Thompson ; director of photography Harris Savides ; produced by Jean Louis Piel, Nick Morris, Lizie Gower ; written by Jean Claude Carriere, Milo Addica, Jonathan Glazer ; directed by Jonathan Glazer (Roma - Gruppo editoriale L'Espresso, 2006) Audiovisivo Birth, io sono Sean / directed by Jonathan Glazer ; music by Alexandre Desplat ; written by Jean-Claude Carriere, Milo Addica, Jonathan Glazer Milano - Eagle pictures (distributore , (2005 Audiovisivo Birth, io sono Sean / music by Alexandre Desplat ; produced by Jean-Louis Piel, Nick Morris, Lizie Gower ; written by Jean-Claude Carriere, Milo Addica, Jonathan Glazer ; directed by Jonathan Glazer (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato) - Eagle pictures, (2005) Audiovisivo Birth- io sono Sean / directed by Jonathan Glazer ; written by Jean-Claude Carriere, Milo Addica, Joanathan Glazer Roma - Grppo editoriale l'Espresso, 2006 Audiovisivo Birthday girl / regia di Jez Butterworth ; scritto da Tom Butterworth ; musiche di Stephen Warbeck (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato) - Eagle pictures, c2001 Audiovisivo |