La Espana prodigiosa - nuestras fiestas / direccion y realizacion Eugenio Monesma (Huesca) - Pyrene Audiovisivo Esperame en el cielo / dirigida por Antonio Mercero (Madrid) - Columbia Tristar (distributore), 1987 Audiovisivo L' esperimento / directed by Alan Rudolph ; music by Gary Wright ; screenplay by Alan Rudolph & John Binder ; story by Judson Klinger & Richard Woods ; produced by Carolyn Pfeiffer Audiovisivo L' esperimento del dottor K. / produced and directed by Kurt Neumann ; screenplay by James Clavell ; basen on a story by George Langelaan (Gran Bretagna) - Fox video, 1992 Audiovisivo L' esperimento del dottor K. / prodotto e diretto da Kurt Neumann ; sceneggiatura di James Clavell ; basato su una storia di George Langelaan Milano - Twentieth century fox home entertainment, c2001 Audiovisivo L' esperimento del dottor K. / produced and directed by Kurt Neumann ;screenplay by James Clavell ; basen on a story by George Langelaan (Milano) - Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2001 Audiovisivo L' esperimento del Dottor K. / con Al Hedison, patricia Owens, Vincent Price, Herbert Marshall ; sceneggiatura james Clavell ; basato su una storia di George Langelaan ; prodotto e diretto da Kurt Neumann Milano (etc.) - Master, (2009) Audiovisivo Gli esperti americani / music score by Marvin Hamlisch ; story by Steven Greene, Eric Alter ; screenplay by Nick Thiel, Steven Greene, Eric Alter ; directed by Dave Thomas (Milano) - CIC video (distributore), p1990 Audiovisivo Espiazione / un film di Joe Wright ; screenplay by Christopher Hampton ; based on the novel by_ Ian McEwan ; music by Dario Marianelli ; director of p hotography Seamus McGarvey (Roma) - Universal Pictures (distributore), c2007 Audiovisivo Espiazione / un film di Joe Wright ; screenplay by Christopher Hampton ; tratto dal romanzo di Ian McEwan ; music by Dario Marianelli ; director of photography Seamus McGarvey (Roma - Universal Pictures (distributore , c2007 Audiovisivo Espiazione / un film di Joe Wright ; screenplay by Christopher Hampton ; based on the novel by Ian McEwan ; music by Dario Marianelli Milano - Universal Pictures - Mondadori (distributore), 2008 Audiovisivo Espiazione / un film di Joe Wright ; screenplay by Christopher Hampton ; based on the novel by Ian McEwan ; music by Dario Marianelli ; director of photography Seamus McGarvey (Roma - Universal Pictures (distributore , (2008 Audiovisivo Espiazione / un film di Joe Wright ; screenplay by Christopher Hampton ; based on the novel by Ian McEwan ; music by Dario Marianelli (Segrate) - Mondadori, c2009 Audiovisivo Espiazione / (con) James McAvoy, Keira Knightley ; (directed by Joe Wright) (Roma) - Universal Studios, 2010 Audiovisivo El espiritu de la colmena / director Victor Erice Murcia - Mundografic, (1990?) Audiovisivo |