Indiana Jones e i predatori dell'arca perduta / a Steven Spielberg film ; music by John Williams ; screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan ; story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman ; produced by Frank Marshall (Milano - Paramount home entertainment (distributore , c2008 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e i predatori dell'arca perduta / directed by Steven Spielberg ; story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman ; screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan ; music by John Williams (Segrate) - Mondadori, c2009 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo / directed by Steven Spielberg ; screenplay by David Koepp ; story by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson ; director of photography Janusz Kaminski ; music by John Williams (Roma - Lucasfilm - Paramount home entertainment, c2008 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo / directed by Steven Spielberg ; screenplay by David Koepp ; story by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson ; director of photography Janusz Kaminski ; music by John Williams (Roma) - Lucasfilm - Paramount home entertainment, c2008 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo / directed by Steven Spielberg ; screenplay by David Koepp ; story by George Lucas and Jeff Nathanson ; director of photography Janusz Kaminski ; music by John Williams Milano - Mondadori, c2009 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / directed by Steven Spielberg ; story by George Lucas ; music by John Williams (Italia - Univideo - CIC video, 1990 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / directed by Steven Spielberg ; music by John Williams ; story by George Lucas (Milano) - CIC Video (distributore), c1993 Audiovisivo 23- Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / a Lucasfilm production ; a Steven Spielberg film ; music by John Williams ; screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz ; story by George Lucas ; produced by Robert Watts ; directed by Steven Spielberg (Italia) - Paramount pictures, c2000 Audiovisivo 23- Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / directed by Steven Spielberg ; story by George Lucas ; screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz ; music by John Williams (Milano) - Univideo ; (Italia) - Paramount home entertainment, c2000 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / directed by Steven Spielberg ; music by John Williams ; screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz ; story by George Lucas (Milano) - Paramount home entertainment, c2003 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / directed by Steven Spielberg ; music by John Williams ; screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz ; story by George Lucas Roma - Paramount home entertainment, c2008 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / a Steven Spielberg film ; music by John Williams ; screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz ; story by George Lucas ; produced by Robert Watts (Milano) - Paramount home entertainment (distributore , c2008 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto / directed by Steven Spielberg ; story by George Lucas ; screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz ; music by John Williams (Segrate) - Mondadori, c2009 Audiovisivo Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto ... - un film di Steven Spielberg ... (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - UIP, (1984 Saggio Monografico Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto regia di Steven Spielberg ; soggetto e scenografia di Georges Lucas e Willard Huyck Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 2002 Audiovisivo |