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Film (HOM-THE) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 231
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Land of the blind / written and directed by Robert Edwards ; original music composed by Guy Farley
- 01 Distribution, p2008

Land of the lost / (regia di) Brad Silberling. - (Milano) - Universal pictures, c2010. - 1 DVD (97 min.) - color., son (Dolby digital 5.1). - Interpreti- Will Ferrell, Danny McBride, Anna Friel. - Produzione- USA, 2009. - Lingue- italiano, inglese, spagnolo; sottotitoli- italiano, inglese, spagnolo, olandese, ebraico, portoghese, rumeno. - Tit. orig.- Land of the lost. - Formato- 1.85-1. - Contiene inserti video speciali- scene eliminate, la giornata tipica di una star del cinema, pubblicita del negozio di articoli da regalo del Devil's cayon, commento al film del regista Brad Silberling.

The land of the shaman / Lajos Nadorfi, Mihaly Hoppal
(Budapest) - Mtv Hungarian television, (1993?)

The landing of savage Africa at Southampton
London - British film institute, (1899?)

Landmarks of early film
Chatsworth - Image entertainment

Landru / un film di Claude Chabrol
(Italia) - Surf Video ; Milano - Mondo Home Entertainment (distributore , (2005

Landscape and film / edited by Martin Lefebvre
New York ; London - Routledge, 2006
Saggio Monografico

Landscape and place / guest editors- Widdicombe Schmidt and Michael Naimark
Athens, Ohio
Saggio Monografico

Landscape in the mist ... - a film by Theo Angelopoulos
Athens - Greek Film Centre, (1988
Saggio Monografico

The landscape of Hollywood westerns - ecocriticism in an American film genre / edited by Deborah A. Carmichael
Salt Lake City - University of Utah Press, c2006
Saggio Monografico

Landspeed - massima velocita / direted by Christian McIntire ; music by Rich McHugh
(Milano) - Edizioni Master, (2004?)

Landspeed - massima velocita / directed by Christian McIntire
Milano - Master, 2006

Der Landvogt von Greifensee
Bonn - Inter Nationes, 1987
Saggio Monografico

Die Lange Fahrt der Graf Goetzen - von Papenburg nach Afrika / ein Film von Stephan Lamby
Hamburg - ECO media Tv-Produktion, c2001

I Langolieri / (di Tom Holland) ; (basato sul romanzo di) Stephen King
Novara - De Agostini, 2009

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