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segue FILM (Con Autore) (A-Z) [pagina inizio voce]

Hong Kong Film Archive
Hong Kong Film Archive - newsletter
Hong Kong - Hong Kong Film Archive
Pubblicazione Periodica

Hong Kong film festival (6. ; 1982 ; Hong Kong)
Cantonese cinema retrospective (1960-1969) - space museum lecture hall april 1-16, 1982 / the sixth Hong Kong film festival
(Hong Kong - s.n., 1982?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong International Film Festival (10. ; 1986 ; Hong Kong)
Cantonese melodrama - 1950-1969 - space museum lecture hall, march 27-april 11, 1986 / (Tenth Hong Kong international film festival)
(Hong Kong? - s.n., 1986?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong international film festival (11. ; 1987 ; Hong Kong)
Cantonese opera film retrospective - space museum lecture hall april 10-25, 1987 ... / (the 11th Hong Kong international film festival)
(Hong Kong - s.n., 1987?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong International Film Festival (25. ; Hong Kong ; 2001)
A Century of chinese cinema - look back in glory - 6-21.4.2001
Hong Kong - Leisure and cultural services department, 2001
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong international film festival (3. ; 1979 ; Hong Kong)
Asian cinema - City hall theatre & lecture hall 25 june-8 july, 1979 / (the third Hong Kong International Film festival)
(Hong Kong - s.n., 1979?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong international film festival (3. ; 1979 ; Hong Kong)
Hong Kong cinema survey - 1946-1968 - City hall exhibition gallery, High Block- 28 june-8 july, 1979 (exhibition) - lecture hall- 25 june-8 july, 1979 ( film shows) / (Third Hong Kong international film festival)
(Hong Kong? - s.n., 1979?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong international film festival (5. ; 1981 ; Hong Kong)
A study of the Hong Kong swordplay film - (1945-1980) - april 9-24, 1981 city hall lecture hall / the fifth Hong Kong international film festival
(Hong Kong - s.n., 1981?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong International Film Festival (8. ; 1984 ; Hong Kong)
A study of Hong Kong cinema in the seventies - City hall recital hall, Ko shan theatre, Space museum lecture hall, april 12-27, 1984 / (8th Hong Kong international film festival)
(Hong Kong? - s.n., 1984?)
Saggio Monografico

Hong Kong International Film Festival (9. ; 1985 ; Hong Kong)
The ninth Hong Kong international film festival - march 29-april 13 1985
(Hong Kong? - s.n., 1985?
Saggio Monografico

Hood, Gavin
X-Men le origini - Wolverine / directed by Gavin Hood ; screenplay by David Benioff and Skip Woods ; director of photography Donald M. McAlpine ; music by Harry Gregson-Williams
Milano - Twentieth century Fox home entertainment (distributore), c2009

Hooper, Tom
Il discorso del re / a film by Tom Hooper ; music. Maggie Rodford ; screenplay David Sedler
Milano - Eagle Pictures, 2010

Hoover, Dwight W.
Middletown - the making of a documentary film series / Dwight W. Hoover
Chur (etc.) - Harwood academic publishers, c1992
Saggio Monografico

Hopkinson, Peter
Le role du film dans le developpement / par Peter Hopkinson
Paris - Unesco, 1972
Saggio Monografico

Horn, Aloysius
Trader Horn - het leven en de advonturen van Alfred Aloysius Horn / door Hemzelf en Ethelreda Lewis ; met een voorwoord van John Galsworthy ; met foto's uit de Metro Goldwin Mayer Film (...)
Amsterdam - Scheltens & Giltay, (19..)
Saggio Monografico

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