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Human Rights Nights (6. ; Bologna ; 2006)
Rispetto - Human rights nights international film festival - Bologna, 17-30 marzo 2006, Forli, 1-5 aprile, Roma, Los Angeles, Sarajevo
Bologna - Tipolitografia FD, 2006
Saggio Monografico
Human Rights Nights (9. ; 2009 ; Bologna)
Human Rights Nights - In-differenza - 9th international arts and film festival - cinema dei diritti umani arte musica workshops - Bologna e Forli, 27 marzo - 5 aprile '09
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 2009?)
Saggio Monografico
Human Studies Film Archives
Guide to the collections of the Human Studies Film Archives - 100. anniversary of motion pictures- commemorative ethnographic edition / by Pamela Wintle and John P. Homiak
Washington - Smithsonian Institution, c1995
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Hume, Alan
A Life through the lens - memoirs of a film cameraman / Alan Hume with Garen Owen ; forewords by Peter Rogers and Kevin Connor
Jefferson (etc. - McFarland & Company, c2004
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Humm, Maggie
Feminism and film / Maggie Humm
Edinburgh - Edinburgh university press ; Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press, c1997
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Humphries, Reynold
The American horror film - an introduction / Reynold Humphries
Edinburgh - Edinburgh University Press, c2002
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Les longs-metrages hongrois presentes 1948- / Hungarofilm
Budapest - Hungarofilm, (1970?)
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Hunnings, Neville March
Film censors and the law / Neville March Hunnings ; foreword by Frede Castberg
London - George Allen & Unwin, 1967
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Hunt, M. L.
Supersonic film cooling effectiveness using air and helium for a range of injectant temperatures and mach numbers / M. L. Hunt, K. A. Juhany and J. M. Sivo
Reston (VA)
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Hunt, Peter (1925-2002)
Al servizio segreto di sua maesta / directed by Peter Hunt ; screenplay by Richard Maibaum ; music by John Barry - (USA) - MGM home entertainment ; (Milano) - Fabbri, c2003 - 1 DVD (ca. 136 min.) - sonoro (Dolby digital 5.1, DTS), colore
Hunter, Allan
Local hero - the making of the film / by Allan Hunter and Mark Astaire
Edinburgh - Polygon Books, 1983
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Hunter, Jack
Inside teradome - (an illustrated history of freak film ) / (written, edited and compiled by Jack Hunter)
London - San Francisco - Creation books, 1995
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Huntley, John
British film music / John Huntley ; foreword by Muir Mathieson
London - Skelton Robinson, 1947?
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Huntley, John
British film music / John Huntley
New York - Arno press, 1972
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Huntley, John
British technicolor films / John Huntley
London - Robinson, 1948
Saggio Monografico