segue FILM (Con Autore) (A-Z)
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Krohn, Bill
Luis Bunuel - chimera 1900-1983 - (tutti i film ) / Bill Krohn ; a cura di Paul Duncan
Koln - Taschen, c2006
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Krohn, Sven
Fellesnevneren i norsk film - Norsk Filminstitutt i 25 ar / av Sven Krohn
Oslo - Norsk filminstitutt, 1980
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Kronau, Trude
Teatro e film nell'espressionismo tedesco / Trude Kronau
Bologna - Leonardi, 1971
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Kronish, Amy
Israeli film - a reference guide / Amy Kronish and Costel Safirman
Westport ; London - Praeger, 2003
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Krutnik, Frank
In a lonely street - film noir, genre, masculinity / Frank Krutnik
London ; New York - Routledge, 1991
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Kubrick, Stanley
2001 - odissea nello spazio / directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke
Milano - Panarecord, c1968
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Kubrick, Stanley
2001 - l'odyssee de l'espace / un film de Stanley Kubrick
Paris - ed. de l'Avant-Scene, 2011
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Kubrick, Stanley
Arancia meccanica Film .1971 = =A clock-work orange / S.Kubrick
Warner Bros ; Warner Home Video
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Kubrick, Stanley
Barry Lindon / a film by Stanley Kubrick ; based on the novel by WilliamThackeray - (Milano) - Warner home video, (2010)
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Kubrick, Stanley
Barry Lindon Film .1975 / S.Kubrick
Warner Bros ; Warner Home Video
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Kubrick, Stanley
Il Dottor Stranamore Film .1963 = =Dr. Strangelove,or-how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb / S.Kubrick
Hawk Films ; Columbia Tristar Home Video
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Kubrick, Stanley
Eyes wide shut - a screenplay / by Stanley Kubrick and Frederic Raphael and the classic novel that inspired the film , Dream story by Arthur Schnitzler
New York - Warner books, 1999
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Kubrick, Stanley
Full metal jacket / un film di Stanley Kubrick ; basato sul romanzo- The shor timers / Gustav Hasford ; sceneggiatura- Stanley Kubrick, Michael Herr, Gustav Hasford
(Milano) - Warner Home Video, c2010
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Kubrick, Stanley
Full metal jacket Film / S.Kubrick
Warner Bros ; Warner Home Video
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Kubrick, Stanley
Lolita Film .1961 / S.Kubrick
Turner Entertainment ; Univideo
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