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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
I girasoli - musiche (... dalla colonna sonora originale del film Avco Embassy / (... composte e dirette da Henry Mancini
(Roma - RCA, p1970
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Il grande impostore - tema dal film omonimo Universal International ; Love music - dal film Universal International Il grande impostore / (musica di) H. Mancini ; (eseguita da) Henry Mancini, la sua orchestra e coro
(New York) - RCA, (1961?)
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
The Great Race - from the Warner Brothers film The Great Race - (music from the film score) / (composed and conducted by) Henry Mancini and his Orchestra
(New York) - RCA Victor, c1965
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
The great race - original soundtrack - a Warner Brothers picture / music from the film score composed and conducted by Henry Mancini
(Osaka) - Soundtrack Listeners Communications, p1991
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Gunn... Number one - music from the film score / composed and conducted b y Henry Mancini
New York - RCA Victor, (circa 1967
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Hatari - dall'omonimo film di produzione Paramount / musica di Henry Mancini ; testo italiano di Mogol
Milano - Fama, 1962
Musica (stampa)

Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Jazz Gunn - Shelly Manne & his men play Henry Mancini's music for the film "Gunn"
New York - Atlantic recording, c1967
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Life Force - colonna sonora originale del film - Space Vampires / music composed and conducted by Henri Mancini ; The London Symphony Orchestra
Milano - Top Records, p1985
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
LifeForce - bande originale du film de Tobe Hopper / musique composee et dirigee par Henry Mancini ; interpretee par le London Symphony Orchestra
Paris - Milan, (1985)
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Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Meglio stasera = If had better be tonight - dal film La pantera rosa / H. Mancini ; J._Mercer. Twist del Tevere = Tiber twist - dal film La pantera rosa / H. Mancini
(New York - RCA Victor, (circa 1963
Registrazione audio

Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
Moon river - dal film Colazione da Tiffany / Henry Mancini. Theme from The pleasure of his company - dal film Il piacere della sua compagnia / Alfred Newman
(Milano - Vedette records, (dopo il 1961
Registrazione audio

Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
La pantera rosa ; Uno sparo nel buio ; La pantera rosa colpisce ancora / musiche di Henry Mancini dalle colonne sonore originali dei film
Roma - RCA, (1980)
Registrazione audio

Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
The Party - from a Mirisch Corporation presentation of the Blake Edwards production The Party - (music from the film score) / (composed and conducted by) Henry Mancini and his orchestra
New York - RCA Victor, c1968
Registrazione audio

Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
The party - (music from the film score) / Henry Mancini and his orchestra
USA - RCA, (1998)
Registrazione audio

Mancini, Henry (1924-1994)
The Pink Panther - (music from the film score) / (composed and conducted by) Henry Mancini and his Orchestra
(New York) - RCA Victor, c1963
Registrazione audio

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