segue FILM (Con Autore) (A-Z)
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Waldekranz, Rune
Knaurs Buch vom Film / Rune Waldekranz, Verner Arpe
Munchen - Droemersche Verlagsanstalt Th. Knaur Nachf, 1956
Saggio Monografico
Waldman, Harry
Hollywood and the foreign touch - a dictionary of foreign filmmakers and their films from America, 1910-1995 / Harry Waldman ; consulting editor- Anthony Slide
Lanham etc. - Scarecrow press, c1996
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Waldron, Gloria
The information film - report of the Public Library Inquiry / by Gloria Waldron ; with the assistance of Cecile Starr
New York - Columbia University press, 1949
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Waldron, Sharn
The impact of trauma on the psyche of the individual using the film Belleville Rendez-vous as an illustrative vehicle / Sharn Waldron
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Walker art center
Walker Art Center- The New - Annual Report 2004-2005 - Performing Arts, Film -Video, Education & Community Programs, Design
(Minneapolis) - Walker Art Center, c2006
Saggio Monografico
Walker, Alexander
Hollywood England - the British film industry in the sixties / Alexander Walker
London - Joseph, 1974
Saggio Monografico
Walker, Alexander
Icons in the fire - the rise and fall of practically everyone in the British film industry, 1984-2000 / Alexander Walker ; introduced by Joseph Connolly
London - Orion, 2004
Saggio Monografico
Walker, Alice
The same river twice - honoring the difficult - a meditation on life, spirit,art, and the making of the film The Color Purple ten years later / Alice Walker
London - Phoenix, 2005
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Walker, George F.
Theatre of the film noir / a play by George F. Walker
Toronto - Playwrights Canada, 1981
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Walker, John A. (1938- )
Art and artists on screen / John A. Walker
Manchester etc. - Manchester University Press, c1993
Saggio Monografico
Wallace, Inez
L' amore, un film e una ragazza - Romanzo / di I. W. ; (traduzione dall'inglese) ; illustrazioni di Walter Molino
Milano - Rizzoli e C., 1937
Saggio Monografico
Wallace, Lewis
Ben-Hur - romanzo storico / Lew Wallace ; illustrato con 36 foto del film Ben-Hur della M.G.M. con Ramon Novarro
Sesto S. San Giovanni - Editrice popolare milanese, 1932
Saggio Monografico
Wallace, Lewis
Ben-Hur - edizione illustrata con fotogrammi dal film Metro Goldwyn Mayer diretto da William Wyler / Lewis Wallace
Milano - Editrice La sorgente, 1960
Saggio Monografico
Wallace, Lewis
Ben-Hur - edizione illustrata con fotogrammi dal film Metro Goldwyn Mayer, diretto da William Wyler
Milano - Editr. La sorgente, 1960
Saggio Monografico
Wallin, Bengt Arne
Dear John - soundtrack from the film / written and conducted by Bengt Arne Wallin
New York ; Berverly Hills - Dunhill, (1964?)
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