Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Film

Pagina nr. 2384 di 6414       

Intermezzo / regia Gregory Ratoff
(Italia - DNC entertainment (distributore , (2006)

Intermission / un film di John Crowley ; musiche- John Murphy ; scritto da Mark O'Rowe
(Gran Bretagna) - Dolme Home video, (2004 )

Le intermittenze del cuore ...e della mente - intorno al film - le intermittenze del cuore di Fabio Carpi - Tavole rotonde 2003 ... / a cura di Rossana Buono, Barbara Eletta Camoni, Piergiorgio Dragone
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Le intermittenze del cuore / scritto e diretto da Fabio Carpi
Milano - Mondo Home Entertainment (distributore , c2004

The international / directed by Tom Tykwer
(Segrate) - Mondadori, c2009

The international / directed by Tom Tykwer
(Segrate) - Mondadori, c2009

The international / directed by Tom Tykwer ; music by Tom Tykwer, Johnny Klimek, Reinhold Heil ; director of photography Frank Griebe ; written by Eric Warren Singer
(Italia) - Sony pictures home entertainment, c2009

International business geography - case studies of corporate films / Edited by Piet Pellenbarg and Egbert Wever
New York - Routledge, 2008
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International catalogue of occupational safety and health films / (compiled by the International labour office)
Geneva - International labour office, (1969)
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International conference on chemical solution deposition, 2. workshop on integrated electroceramic functional structures - Berchtesgaden, Germany, June 14-16 2007 - programme & abstract book
Aachen - RWTH Aachen university, (2007)
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International Conference on film education of youth - 22-24 nov. 1957, Amsterdam
Den Haag - Instituut Film en Jeugd, 1957
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The international dictionary of films and filmmakers / editor Christopher Lyon ; assistant editor Susan Doll
London - Firethorn, 1986-
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The international dictionary of films and filmmakers / editor James Vinson ; assistant editors Christopher Lyon, Greg S. Faller
Chicago ; London - St. James press, 19.. -1987
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International dictionary of films and filmmakers / editor Nicholas Thomas ; poi editor Samantha Cook ; poi editors Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast
Chicago etc. ; poi Detroit etc. - St. James press
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International dictionary of films and filmmakers / editors Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast
Detroit - St. James press
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