(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Film |
Pagina nr. 4493 di 6414 |
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Milano - Editoriale Antenore, 1934 Incluso in > I grandi films Testo Monografico Il tormento e l'estasi Roma - Tip. U. Terenzi, 1964 Testo Monografico Il tormento e l'estasi / regia di Carol Reed ; soggetto basato sul romanzo "The Agony and the Ecstasy" di Irving Stone ; sceneggiatura e adattamento di Philip Dunne ; musiche di Alex North (Italia) - Twentieth Century Fox ; Milano - FoxVideo Italia (distributore), 1994 Audiovisivo Il tormento e l'estasi / directed by Carol Reed ; screen story and screenplay by Philippe Dunne ; based on the novel "The agony and the ecstasy" by Irving Stone ; music by Alex North Milano - Master, c2008 Audiovisivo Il tormento e l'estasi / directed by Carol Reed ; screen story e screenplay by Philippe Dunne ; based on the novel "The agony and the ecstasy" by Irving Stone ; music by Alex North Milano - Twentieth Century Fox home entertainment (distributore), c2005 Audiovisivo Il tormento e l'estasi / directed by Carol Reed ; screen story e screenplay by Philippe Dunne ; based on the novel "The agony and the ecstasy" by Irving Stone ; music by Alex North Milano - Twentieth Century Fox home entertainment (distributore), c2014 Audiovisivo Torn curtain / (directed by) Alfred Hitchcock (Roma) - Universal pictures (distributore), c2001 Incluso in > Hitchcock collection Audiovisivo Torna "El Grinta" / un film di Stuart Millar ; written by Martin Julien ; suggested by the character "Rooster Cogburn" from the novel "True Grit" by Charles Portis ; produced by Hal B. Wallis Italy - Universal Studios (distributore), c2003 Audiovisivo Torna a casa Lassie / directed by Fred M. Wilcox ; screenplay by Hugo Butler ; based upon the novel by Eric Knight Milano - Warner home video, ©2009 Audiovisivo Torna a casa Lassie / directed by Fred M. Wilcox ; screenplay by ugo Butler (Italia - Warner Home Video, c1993 Audiovisivo Torna a settembre / written by Stanley Shapiro and Maurice Richlin ; directed by Robert Mulligan (Italia) - Universal Pictures, c2005 Audiovisivo Torna el Grinta / directed by Stuart Millar (Roma - Universal pictures Italy, (200. Audiovisivo Torna / un film di Raffaello Matarazzo Segrate - Mondadori Video, 1993 Audiovisivo Torna, piccola Sheba / directed by Daniel Mann ; screenplay by Ketti Frings ; based on the original play by William Inge (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Paramaunt pictures, (2004) Audiovisivo Tornado - la furia del diavolo / (regia) Gilbert Shilton (Milano) - Master, (2005) Incluso in > DVD magazine - il mensile inimitabile sul DVD Audiovisivo |