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Argomento: Film

Pagina nr. 5637 di 6414       

Hunt, M. L.
Supersonic film cooling effectiveness using air and helium for a range of injectant temperatures and mach numbers / M. L. Hunt, K. A. Juhany and J. M. Sivo
Reston (VA) - AIAA, 1991
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Hunt, Peter (1925-2002)
Al servizio segreto di sua maesta / directed by Peter Hunt ; screenplay by Richard Maibaum ; music by John Barry - (USA) - MGM home entertainment ; (Milano) - Fabbri, c2003 - 1 DVD (ca. 136 min.) - sonoro (Dolby digital 5.1, DTS), colore. -

Hunter, Allan
Local hero - the making of the film / by Allan Hunter and Mark Astaire
Edinburgh - Polygon Books, 1983
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Hunter, Jack
Inside teradome - an illustrated history of freak film / written, edited and compiled by Jack Hunter
London - San Francisco - Creation books, 1995
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Hunter, Jefferson
English filming, English writing / Jefferson Hunter
Bloomington - Indiana University Press, c2010
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Huntley, John
British film music / John Huntley
New York - Arno press ; New York - the New York times, 1972
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Huntley, John
British film music / John Huntley ; foreword by Muir Mathieson
London - Skelton Robinson, °1947
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Huntley, John
British technicolor films / John Huntley
London - Robinson, 1948
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Huntley, John
The technique of film music / written and compiled by Roger Manvell and John Huntley ; with the guidance of the following committee appointed bu the British Film Academy- William Alwyn (Chairman), Ken Cameron, Muir Mathieson, Basil Wright
New York - Hastings House, 1957
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Huret, Marcel
Cine actualites - histoire de la presse filmee, 1895-1980 / Marcel Huret
Paris - H. Veyrier, copyr. 1984
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Hurka, Miloslav
Estetika zvuku ve filmu - Soubor problemu pri vytvareni zvukove slozky filmu / Miloslav Hurka
(Praha) - Filmovy Ustav, 1965
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Hurst, Matthias
Erzahlsituationen in Literatur und Film - ein Modell zur vergleichenden Analyse von literarischen Texten und filmischen Adaptionen / Matthias Hurst
Tubingen - M. Niemeyer, 1996
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Hurst, Matthias
Im Spannungsfeld der Aufklärung - Von Schillers Geisterseher zur TV-Serie The X-Files - Rationalismus und Irrationalismus in Literatur, Film und Fernsehen 1789-1999 / Matthias Hurst
Heidelberg - Winter, c2001
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Hurst, P. B.
The most savage film - Soldier Blue, cinematic violence and the horrors of war / P. B. Hurst
Jefferson - McFarland, c2008
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Hurst, Walter E.
Film superlist - 20.000 motion pictures in the public domain / by Johnny Minus and William Storm Hale
Hollywood - 7 Arts press, c1973
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