Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Film

Pagina nr. 6270 di 6414       

Tegel, Susan
Veit Harlan's Jud Su¨ss / Susan Tegel
Incluso in > Holocaust and the moving image - representations in film and television since 1933 / edited by Toby Haggith & Joanna Newman
Testo a stampa

Tehran International Film Festival (4. ; 1975 ; Teheran)
Tehran International film festival
Tehran - Ministry of culture and arts Press, 1975
Incluso in > Cinema .
Testo Monografico

Tehran International Film Festival (4. ; 1975 ; Teheran)
Cinema .
Pubblicazione Periodica

Teichler, Hans Joachim
Filme und Rundfunkreportagen als Dokumente der deutschen Sportgeschichte von 1907-1945 - Verzeichnis archivierter Film- und Tondokumente und einer Filmographie des Sports in Deutschland zum Verhältnis von Film, Sport und Gesellschaft / Hans Joachim Teichler und Wolfgang Meyer-Ticheloven
Schorndorf - K. Hofmann, 1981
Testo Monografico

Teichman, Louis A.
Calculation of electron energy deposition in thin-film polymeric materials / by Louis A. Teichman and Ernest S. Armstrong
Washington - NASA, 1963
Testo Monografico

Teirlinck, Herman
De vertraagde film - een gedanst, gezongen en gesproken drama in drie bedrijven / Herman Teirlink
Amsterdam - Maatschappij voor Goede en Goedkoepe Lectuur, (1922
Testo Monografico

Telefilm Canada
Feature Films 1994 / Telefilm Canada
(Canada) - Telefilm Canada, (1994 )
Testo Monografico

Telotte, J. P.
A distant technology - science fiction film and the machine age / J.P. Telotte
Hanover ; London - Wesleyan University press, 1999
Testo Monografico

Telotte, J. P.
Dreams of darkness - fantasy and films of Val Lewton / J. P. Telotte
Urbana (etc.) - University of Illinois Press, c1985
Testo Monografico

Telotte, J. P.
Replications - a robotic history of the science fiction film / J.P. Telotte
Urbana (etc.) - University of Illinois press, c1995
Testo Monografico

Telotte, J. P.
Science fiction film / J. P. Telotte
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 2001
Testo Monografico

Telotte, J. P.
Voices in the dark - the narrative patterns of Film Noir / J. P. Telotte
Urbana ; Champaign - University of Illinois Press, c1989
Testo Monografico

Telson, Bob
Calling You - chanson du film Bagdad Cafe ; Calling You (The Desert Mix) / (composed by) Bob Telson ; (performed by) Linda Wesley
(New York) - Epic, (1988)
Registrazione audio

Tempera, Vince
Il turno - dalla colonna sonora del film omonimo / testo di R. Casadei ; musica di V. Tempera
Milano - April Music, (1981
Musica (stampa)

Temple, Julien
The filth and the fury / Julien Temple
Milano - ISBN ; (Roma) - BIM (distributore), (2009)
Testo Monografico