Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Filosofia

Pagina nr. 7449 di 7552       

Winston, Morton E.
The philosophy of human rights / Morton E. Winston
Belmont (CA) - Wadsworth, 1989
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Winter, Bruce W.
Philo and Paul among the sophists / Bruce W. Winter
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, ©1997
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Winter, Eduard
L. Cabral de Moncada, Estudos filosoficos e historicos ... / E. Winter
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1959
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Winter, Ursula
Der Materialismus bei Diderot / Ursula Winter ; gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft der Förderer und Freunde der Freien Universität Berlin e.V
Genève - Librairie Droz ; Paris - Librairie Minard, 1972
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Winter, Yoad
Flexibility principles in boolean semantics - the interpretation of coordination, plurality, and scope in natural language / Yoad Winter
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - MIT Press, 2001
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Wiredu, Kwasi
Cultural universals and particulars - an African perspective / Kwasi Wiredu
Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press, c1996
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Wirszubski, Chaim
Pico della Mirandolas encounter with Jewish mysticism / Chaim Wirszubski
Jerusalem - the Israel accademy of sciences and humanities, 1989
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Wirszubski, Chaim
Pico della Mirandola's encounter with Jewish mysticism / Chaim Wirszubski
Cambridge, Mass. etc. - Harvard university press, 1989
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Wirth, Helmut
13- L' anima del filosofo ossia Orfeo ed Euridice - dramma per musica - 1791 - kritischer Bericht / Joseph Haydn ; Libretto von Carlo Francesco Badini ; herausgegeben von Helmut Wirth
München - Henle, 1974
Incluso in > Joseph Haydn Werke / herausgegeben vom Joseph Haydn-Institut, Koln
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Wirth, Oswald
L' imposizione delle mani e la medicina filosofale / Oswald Wirth ; traduzione di Gloria Marinucci
Roma - Edizioni mediterranee, 1990
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Wirth, Stephen
Mensch und Welt - Die Antropo-Kosmologie Eugen Finks / Stephen Wirth
Mainz- Gardez , c1995
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Wisdom, J. O.
Philosophy of the social sciences / J. O. Wisdom
Aldershot etc. - Avebury
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Wisdom, J. O.
2- Schemata / J. O. Wisdom
Aldershot - Gower Publishing Company Ltd, c1987
Incluso in > Philosophy of the social sciences / J. O. Wisdom
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Wisdom, John
Filosofia analitica e psicoanalisi / John Wisdom
Roma - Armando, ©1979
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Wisdom, John
Logical constructions / John Wisdom ; with an introduction by Judith Jarvis Thomson
New York - Random House, c1969
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