Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Filosofia (BRU-LAM) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1451
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1667


Hottois, Gilbert
Il simbolo e la tecnica - una filosofia per l'età della tecno-scienza / Gilbert Hottois
Ferrara - Gallio, stampa 1999
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Hountondji, Paulin J.
African philosophy - myth and reality / Paulin J. Hountondji ; translated by Henri Evans with the collaboration of Jonathan Ree ; introduction by Abiola Irele
Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press, c1996
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Hourani, George Fadlo
Ethical value / by George F. Hourani
London - G. Allen and Unwin LTD, 1956
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Hourdin, Georges
Simone Weil / Georges Hourdin
Paris - La Découverte, 1989
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Hourdin, Georges
Simone Weil / Georges Hourdin
Roma - Borla, 1992
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Houssaye, Arsène
Le roi Voltaire / par Arsène Houssaye
Paris - Michel Lévy, 1858
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Housset, Emmanuel
L' intelligence de la pitie - phenomenologie de la communaute / Emmanuel Housset ; preface par Jean-Luc Marion
Paris - Editions Du Cerf, 2003
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Hovre, Frans - de
Ensayo de filosofia pedagogica / por F. De Hovre ; traduccion espagnola de Jose Maria Bernaldez ; prologo de Juan Zaragueta
Madrid - FAX, 1952
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Hovre, Frans - de
German and English education - a comparative study / by Fr. De Hovre
London - Constable & co., 1917
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Howard, Philip K.
The death of common sense - how law is suffocating America / Philip K. Howard
New York - Random House, c1994
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Howard, Walter
Musique et culture - Contribution à la psychologie et à la philosophie musicales / par Walter Howard ; Avec la collabor. de Irmgard Auras ; Traduit de l'allemand par Gisèle Brelet
Paris - Presses Universitaires de France, 1963
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Howes, Frank
Man, mind and music / by Frank Howes
London - Secker & Warburg, 1948
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Howey, Richard Lowell
Heidegger and Jaspers on Nietzsche - a critical examination of Heideggers and Jaspers interpretations of Nietzsche / by Richard Lowell Howey
The Hague - Nijhoff, 1973
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Howie, George
Aristotele, sull'educazione / a cura di George Howie e Piero Innocenti
Firenze - La Nuova Italia, 1972
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Howland, Jacob
The paradox of political philosophy - Socrates' philosophic trial / Jacob Howland
Lanham - Rowman & Littlefield, c1998
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