European regional astronomy meeting (7. ; 1983 ; Firenze) Frontiers of astronomy and astrophysics - invited papers presented at the European regional astronomy meeting - Florence, Italy, 12-16 december 1983 / edited by Roberto Pallavicini Florence - s. n. , 1984 (Firenze - Centro 2P) Testo Monografico European regional astronomy meeting (7. ; 1983 ; Firenze) Frontiers of astronomy and astrophysics - invited papers presented at the Seventh European Regional Astronomy Meeting, Florence (Italy), 12-16 December 1983 / edited by Roberto Pallavicini Florence - Italian astronomical society, 1984 Testo Monografico European Rotorcraft Forum (31. ; 2005 ; Firenze) European Rotorcraft Forum - Florence, Italy, September 13-15, 2005 (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 2005 Testo Monografico European solar meeting (1. ; 1975 ; Firenze) Osservazioni e memorie dell'Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri - proceedings of the first European solar meeting - Florence, February 25-27, 1975 / edited by C. Chiuderi, M. Landini, A. Righini Firenze - Tip. Baccini & Chiappi, ?1976?? Testo Monografico European solid-state circuit conference (28. ; Firenze ; 2002) Esscirc 2002 - Proceedings of the 28. European solid-state circuit conference - Firenze, Italy, 24-26 September 2002 / edited by Andrea Baschirotto, Piero Malcovati Bologna - University, ©2002 Testo Monografico European solid-state device research conference (32. ; 2002 ; Firenze) ESSDERC 2002 - proceedings of the 32. European solid-state device research conference - Firenze, Italy, 24-26 September 2002 / edited by G. Baccarani, E. Gnani, M. Rudan Bologna - University, ©2002 Testo Monografico European stainless steel conference (1. ; 1993 ; Firenze) Innovation stainless steel - processes & materials - Florence, Italy, 11-14 October 1993 - 1st European stainless steel conference Milano - Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia Testo Monografico European symposium on cardiac pacing (2. ; 1981 ; Firenze) Cardiac pacing - Electrophisiology and pacemaker technology ; Edited by Giorgio A. Feruglio Padova - Piccin, 1982 Testo Monografico European symposium on cardiac pacing (2. ; 1981 ; Firenze) Cardiac pacing- electrophysiology and pacemaker technology - proceedings and mini-courses of the second European symposium on cardiac pacing / edited by Giorgio A. Feruglio Padova - Piccin medical books, 1983 Testo Monografico European symposium on pediatric and adolescent gynaecology (3. ; 1987 ; Firenze) Pediatric and adolescent gynaecology - 3. European symposium on pediatric and adolescent gynaecology - Firenze, October 7-10, 1987 / editors G. B. Massi, V. Bruni Roma - CIC edizioni internazionali, 1987 Testo Monografico European university institute (Firenze) European forum 1995-96 - Citizenship / European University Institute Firenze - European University Institute, 1994 Testo Monografico European university institute (Florence) Postraduate studies in history and civilization economics law political and social sciences - academic year 1996/97 / European university institute Florecne Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1995 Testo Monografico Eurowood Technical Workshop (1999 ; Firenze) Industrial end-uses of fast-grown species - Eurowood technical workshop proceedings - Florence May 31st June 1st 1999 / organized by CNR/IRL (Florence), CNR/ITL (S. Michele a/A) ; edited by Stefano Berti ... °ed altri °Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n. , 1999 Testo Monografico Evangelista, Anna (Gli influssi dell'arte senese sulla fiorentina sul finire del sec. 14. e agli albori del 15. / dissertazione di laurea di Anna Evangelista ; relatore Paolo D'Ancona ; r. Universitą di Milano , (19.. Testo Monografico Evangelista, Annamaria Nuove fonti per una storia documentaria della Compagnia dei Gelosi (1568-1604) / Annamaria Evangelista ; coordinatore- Sara Mamone ; tutor- Siro Ferrone (Firenze, 2010?) Testo Monografico |