Yates, Frances Amelia
10- Ideas and ideals in the North European Renaissance / Frances Yates
London ; New York - Routledge, 1999
Saggio Monografico
Yeatman-Berthelot, Dosithee
Atlas des oiseaux de France en hiver / Dosithee Yeatman-Berthelot ; assistee de Guy Jarry ; preface de Jean Dorst ; illustrations originales de Michel Cambrony... (ed altri). Traitement des donnees et cartographie realises par le Secretariat de la faune et de la flore, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Paris - Societe ornithologique de France, c1991
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Yolka, Philippe
La propriete publique - elements pour une theorie / Philippe Yolka ; preface de Yves Gaudemet
Paris - L.G.D.J., c1997
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Yolton, John W.
Locke and French materialism / John W. Yolton
Oxford etc. - Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991
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Yonge, Charlotte Mary
History of France / by Charlotte M. Yonge
London - Macmillan, 1881
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Yonnet, Paul (1948- )
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Paris - Gallimard, c1985
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Paris - Societe d'editions geographiques, maritimes et coloniales, 1931
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Young, Arthur (1741-1820)
Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, 1789 / by Arthur Young ; with an introduction, biographical sketch, and notes by M. Betham-Edwards
London - George Bell, 1890
Saggio Monografico
Young, Arthur (1741-1820)
Voyages en France - en 1787, 1788 et 1789 / Arthur Young ; premiere traduction complete et critique par Henri See
Paris - A. Colin
Saggio Monografico
Young, John W. (1957- )
Britain, France and the unity of Europe - 1945-1951 / John W. Young
London - Leicester University press, 1984
Saggio Monografico
Young, John W. (1957- )
France, the cold war and the Western alliance - 1944-49 - French foreign policy and post-war Europe / John W. Young
Leicester - Leicester University, 1990
Saggio Monografico
Young, John W. (1957- )
France, the cold war and the western alliance, 1944-1949 - French foreign policy and post-war Europe / John W. Young
Leicester - University press, 1990
Saggio Monografico
Yvert, Benoit
Politique liberale - bibliographie selective du liberalisme politique francais (1814-1875) - catalogue a prix marques / Benoit Yvert ; preface de M. Pierre Rosanvallon
Paris - Librairie historique Le Conservateur, 1994
Saggio Monografico
Yvignac, Henry - d'
Scenes et tableaux du regne de Louis 16. / Henry d'Yvignac
Paris - Gautier-Languereau, 1934
Saggio Monografico
Zacharia von Lingenthal, Karl Salomo
Corso di dritto civile francese / per C. S. Zachariae ; tradotto dal tedesco sulla 5. ed. (1839) e riveduto ed aumentato col consenso dell'A. da Aubry e Rau ; novella ed. e traduzione italiana per Francesco Fulvio col confronto degli articoli delle leggi civili vigenti nell'Italia Meridionale ...
Napoli - Gabriele Rondinella
Saggio Monografico