(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Geografia |
Pagina nr. 946 di 8479 |
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A La Haye - chez Pierre Gosse junior, 1745 Testo Monografico Catalogue general des meilleures cartes geographiques & topographiques; plans de villes, sieges & batailles; cartes astronomiques .. A Paris - chez David le pere ... Ces cartes se vendent chez R.J. Julien ... ; A Nuremberg - au bureau de la societe cosmographique ... , 1752 Testo Monografico Catalogue illustre´ de l'exposition d'hiver a` Budapest - Ke´pes ta´rgymutato´, 1891/92. e´vi. téli i Kia´llita´sa´hoz Budapest - Kiadja az O. M. Ke´pzo mu ve´szeti Ta´rsulat, 1891 Testo Monografico A catalogue of a valuable collection of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, engravings, and engraved portaits, illustrating the history and geography of North and South America, and the West Indies, altogether forming the most extensive collection ever offered for sale London - John Russel Smith, 1865 Testo Monografico Catalogue of drawings and prints in the portfolio - books of prints and illustrated books, maps, charts, and atlases, autograph letters of eminent litterary persons, works relative to architecture, geography, natural history, and the arts and sciences in general - the property of the late Richard Heber, esq. - which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Stanley, at his rooms, 21, Old Bond Sreet, on Thursday, the 15th of May, 1834 .. London - J. Moyes, (1834 ) Testo Monografico Catalogue of maps & atlases of the world and British Isles London - The Map House, (19.. Testo Monografico A catalogue of second hand books on Persia (history, geography, language etc.) to be abtained at greatly reduced prices of Luzac and company London - Luzac, 1904 Testo Monografico A catalogue of second hand books on the history, geography, religion and travels in various oriental countries on sale by Luzac and company London - Luzac, 1906 Testo Monografico Catalogue par ordre géographique des cartes, plans, vues de cotes, mémoires, instructions nautiques, etc., qui composente l'hydrographie française Paris - Imprimerie administrative de Paul Dupont, 1866 Testo Monografico Catalogus librorum, et tabularum geographicarum & hydrographicarum, nec non globorum, ac sphaerarum armillarium, quos exudebat Joannes Blaeu Amstelaedami - apud Joannem Blaeu, 1661 Testo Monografico Catalogus ordinis praedicatorum - (mense Aprili 1949) / reverendissimi patris fr. Emmanuelis Suarez magistri generalis ordinis jussu editu. (Allegato- Tabulae geographicae ordinis praedicatorum, a. D. 1949) Romae - Tip. Castaldi ; Firenze - Tip. Studio Artistico Cartografico S. Marco, 1949 Testo Monografico 9- Cataluna, Baleares Barcelona - Planeta, 1992 Incluso in > Geografia de Espana / dirigida por Joaquin Bosque Maurel y Joan Vila Valenti Testo Monografico 2- Cataluña Pamplona - Salvat, stampa 1990 Incluso in > Conocer Espana - geografia y guia Salvat Testo Monografico Catania - i quartieri nella metropoli / a cura di Renato D'Amico ; fotografie di Franco Urso e Fabrizio Villa Catania - Le nove Muse, ©1999, stampa 2000 Testo Monografico Catania - strada litoranea dal corso Italia alla piazza Mancini Battaglia Catania - Tip. Ospizio di beneficenza, 1962 Testo Monografico |