(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Geografia |
Pagina nr. 2882 di 8479 |
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The history of the Mohammedan dynasties in Spain - extracted from the Nafhu-t-tíb min ghosni-l-Andalusi-r-rattíb wa táríkh lisánu-d-dín Ibni-l-Khattíb / by Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makkarí ; translated from the copies in the library of the British Museum, and illustrated with critical notes on the history, geography, and antiquities of Spain by Pascual de Gayangos Delhi - Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli, 1984 Testo Monografico al-Maqqari, A mad ibn Mu ammad The history of the Mohammedan dynasties in Spain - extracted from the Nafhu-t-tíb min ghosni-l-Andalusi-r-rattíb wa táríkh Lisánu-d-Dín Ibni-l-Khattíb / by Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makkarí, a native of Telemsán ; translated from the copies in the library of the British Museum, and illustrated with critical notes on the history, geography, and antiquities of Spain, by Pascual de Gayangos London - Printed for the Oriental translation fund of Great Britain and Ireland, sold by W. H. Allen and co., 1840-1843 Testo Monografico al-Maqrizi, Taqi al-Din A mad (1364-1442) Histoire des sultans mamlouks, de l'Egypte / ecrite en arabe par Taki-Eddin-Ahmed-Makrizi ; traduite en francais, et accompagnee de notes philologiques, historiques, geographiques par M. Quatremere Paris - Printed for the Oriental translation fund of Great Britain and Ireland Testo Monografico al-Na uri, Isá Fi rubu‘ al-Andalus 1967 e 1974 / ‘Isa al-Na‘uri Tunisi - Al-dar al-‘arabiyya li’l-kitab, 1398h (1978) Testo Monografico al-Qalqasandi, Abu al-'Abbas Ahmad (m. 1418) Die Geographie und Verwaltung von Ägypten nach dem Arabischen des Abul-'Abbâs Ahmed ben 'Alí el-Calcaschandí / von F. Wüstenfeld Göttingen - Dieterichsche Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1879 Testo Monografico al-Sahyuni, Gibra il (1577-1648) Gabrielis Sionitae & Ioannis Hesronitae Geographia Nubiensis Parisiis, 1620 Testo Monografico al-Selwi, Ibrahim Jemenitische Wörter in den Werken von al-Hamdani und Našwan und ihre Parallelen in den semitischen Sprachen / Ibrahim al-Selwi Berlin - D. Reimer, 1987 Testo Monografico al-Sirafi, Abu Zayd Hasan ibn Yazid Ahbar a -?in wa l-Hind - Relation de la Chine et de l'Inde - rédigée en 851 / texte établi, traduit et commenté par Jean Sauvaget Paris - Les belles lettres, 1948 Testo Monografico al-Wardi, Ibn kai operis cosmographici Ibn El Vardi caput primum, de regionibus et oris. Ex Cod. Upsaliensi. Edidit et latine vertit Andreas Hylander ... Lectiones nonnullas variantes collegit et indicem geographicum adjecit Dr. Sven Hylander .. Lundae - ex officina Berlingiana, 1823 Testo Monografico al-Zamahsari, Abu'l-Qasim Mahmud (m. 1144) Specimen e literis orientalibus, exhibens Az-Zamaksarii *Lexicon geographicum cui titulus est Kitab al-gibal wa al-amkina wa al-miyah / quod auspice viro clarissimo T. G. J. Juynboll ; e cod. leyd. nunc primum edidit Matthias Salverda de Grave Lugduni Batavorum - Brill, 1856 Testo Monografico al-Gamidi, Masfar Mirza Gula fi rubu‘ al-mamlaka / Masfar Mirza al-Gamidi Gedda - Ma abi‘ Šarikat al-madina li’l- iba‘a wa’l-našr, (19??) Testo Monografico al- amdani The antiquities of South Arabia, being a translation from the Arabic with linguistic, geographic, and historic notes, of the eighth book of al-Hamdani's al-Iklil / reconstructed from al-Karmali's edition and a ms. in the Garrett collection, Princeton University Library, by Nabih Amin Faris London - H. Milford, Oxford University Press ; Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1938 Testo Monografico al- amdani Géographie der arabischen Halbinsel - nach den Handschriften von Berlin, Constantinopel, London, Paris, Strassburg, / zum ersten Male herausg. von David Heinrich Müller Leiden - Brill, 1968 Testo Monografico al- usi, Na ir al-Din (m. 1274) Binæ tabulæ geographicæ, una Nassir Eddini Persæ, altera Vlug Beigi Tatari- operâ, & studio Johannis Gravii nunc primùm publicatæ Londini - typis Jacobi Flesher - prostant apud Cornelium Bee, in vico vulgò vocato Little-Britain, 1652 Testo Monografico Alabiso, Alida Tre studi di arte giapponese / Alida Alabiso Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 1997 (Roma - A. Alabiso) Testo Monografico |