(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Geografia |
Pagina nr. 3226 di 8479 |
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Chiave omerica, ossia Aiuto filologico-grammaticale per ben tradurre l'Iliade - proposta agli studenti dei ginnasi liceali italiani / dal p. Giovanni Beduschi ; purgata da non pochi errori tipografici incorsi nella edizione milanese, corretta ed ampliata in moltissimi articoli, e corredata di note mitologiche, istoriche e geografiche per la retta intelligenza del poema per Tommaso Semmola Napoli - Rossi-Romano, 1860 Testo Monografico Beek, Albert - van (1787-1856) De aarde beschouwd uit een physisch-geographisch, geologisch en cosmologisch oogpunt. Voorgedragen in het natuurkundig gezelschap te Utrecht, 1827-1828 door A. van Beek Te Utrecht - bij van Paddenburg & Comp., 1830 Testo Monografico Beelen, Jan Theodore Joannis Theodori Beelen, Can. hon. Cathedr. Leod. S. Th. doct. ... Commentarius in Acta apostolorum - cui integri adduntur contextus graecus et latinus - cum tabula geographica ad Acta apostolorum Lovanii, apud C.J. Fonteyn, 1850 Testo Monografico Beer, Eduard Kleiner Duodez-Atlas in 24 Blatt uber alle Theile der Erde / von Eduard Beer Weimar - Voigt, 1840 Testo Monografico Beer, Max Allgemeine Geschichte des Sozialismus und der sozialen Kampfe / Max Beer Berlin - Universum-Bucherei fur Alle, 1932 Testo Monografico Beer, Max Fifth years of international socialism / by M. Beer London - G. Allen & Unwin, 1935 Testo Monografico Beer, Max Histoire générale du socialisme et des luttes sociales / Max Beer ; traduction et préface de Marcel Ollivier Paris - Les Revues Testo Monografico Beerli, Andre Tessin - 32 itineraires / Andre Beerli (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Touring-club Suisse ; Shell Switzerland, (1955?) Testo Monografico Beesley, Earl Splendore imperiale - palazzi e monasteri dell'antica Russia / (testi di George Galitzine ; fotografia Earl Beesley e Garry Gibbons {Milano} - Frassinelli, c1991 Testo Monografico Beeson, Trevor Discretion and valour - religious conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe / Trevor Beeson London - Collins, 1982 Testo Monografico Beeton, Samuel Orchart Beeton's classical dictionary - a cyclopaedia of greek and roman biography, geography, mythology, and antiquities, with appendices London - Ward, Lock, & Tyler, (1871 Testo Monografico Beeton, Samuel Orchart Beeton's dictionary of universal information; comprising geography, history, biography, mythology, bible knowledge, chronology with the pronunciation of every proper name London - S. O. Beeton Testo Monografico Beeton, Samuel Orchart Beeton's encyclopaedia of universal information - geography, biography, science, art, literature, religion, & philosophy; geography and biography, every branch of theoretical and applied science, and natural history, manufactures, processes, machinery, engineering works ... - New edition / enlarged ... and revised ... by G. R. Emerson London - Ward, Lock & Co Testo Monografico Beeton, Samuel Orchart Beeton's dictionary of Geography - a universal Gazetteer, illustrated by maps, ancient, modern, and biblical with nearly three hundred engravings and plans of cities, towns, and localities of general interest / edited by S. O. Beeton .. London ; Ward - Lock and Tyler, (1868 Testo Monografico Beeverell, James (fl. 1705) Les Delices de la Grand' Bretagne, & de l'Irlande; où sont exactement décrites les antiquitez, les provinces, les villes, les bourgs, les montagnes, les rivieres, les ports de mer, les bains, les fortesses, abbayes, eglises, academies, colleges, bibliotheques, palais ... La réligion, les moeurs des habitans, leurs jeux, leurs divertissemens ... par James Beeverell, a.m. Le tout enrichi de très-belles figures, & cartes géographiques, dessnées sur les originaux. Tome premier (-huitieme) .. A Leide - chez Pierre Vander Aa ..., 1707 Testo Monografico |