(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Geografia |
Pagina nr. 4096 di 8479 |
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2- The history of Poland; in several letters to persons of quality. Giving an account of the present state of that kingdom, historical, political, physical and ecclesiastical; viz. The form of government; the King's power, court and revenues; the senate, senators and other officers; the religion, diet, and little diets, with other assemblies and courts of justice ... To this is also added, a table for each volume; and a sculpture of the diet in session- with some memoirs from baron Blomberg. Vol. 2. By Bernard Connor .. London - printed for Dan. Brown ... - and A. Roper and T. Leigh ..., 1698 Incluso in > The history of Poland, in several letters to persons of quality. Giving an account of the antient and present state of that kingdom, historical, geographical, physical, political, and ecclesiastica... Testo Monografico Connor, Steven Postmodernist culture - an introduction to theories of the contemporary / Steven Connor Oxford ; Cambridge, Mass. - Basil Blackwell, 1989 Testo Monografico Conolly, James Geographical information systems in archaeology / James Conolly, Mark Lake Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2006 Testo Monografico Conquest, Robert I dragoni della speranza - realtà e illusioni nel corso della storia / Robert Conquest ; traduzione di Aldo Piccato Roma - Liberal, (2007 Testo Monografico Conquest, Robert The dragons of expectation - reality and delusion in the course of history / Robert Conquest New York ; London - Norton & Company, c2005 Testo Monografico Conradus - Eberbacensis Exordium magnum Cisterciense, sive Narratio de initio Cisterciensis ordinis / auctore Conrado monacho Claravallensi postea Eberbacensi ibidemque abbate ; ad codicum fidem recensuit Bruno Griesser Turnholti - Typographi Brepols editores pontificii, 1994 Testo Monografico Conring, Adolph - von Marocco, das Land und die Leute - allgemeine geographische und ethnographische Verhältnisse ... / aus eigner Anschauung geschildert von Adolph von Conring Berlin - G. Hempel, 1884 Testo Monografico Conring, Adolph Justus - von Marroco, das Land und die Leute - Allgemeine geographische und ethnographische Verhältnisse - Verfassung, Städte, Land, Bewohner, Handelsbeziehungen, Produkte, Politische Verhältnisse, Europäer und deren Vertreter - Aus neuester eigner Anshauung geschildert / von Adolph von Corning Berlin - G. Hempel, 1880 Testo Monografico Conrotte y Mendez, Manuel Compte-rendu Des voyages et Des travaux de geographie executes par les voyageurs et les geographes espagnols depuis l'annee 1889 Roma - Tip. Unione Ed., 1914 Testo Monografico Conry, Yvette Introduction du darwinisme en France au 19. siecle / par Yvette Conry Paris - Vrin, 1974 Testo Monografico Consani, Carlo Dialektos - contributo alla storia del concetto di dialetto / Carlo Consani Pisa - Giardini editori e stampatori, (1991) Testo Monografico Consani, Carlo Persistenza dialettale e diffusione della koine a Cipro - il caso di Kafizin / Carlo Consani Pisa - Giardini editori e stampatori, 1986 Testo Monografico Conseil de la cooperation culturelle (Strasburgo) The countries of Europe as seen by their geographers / compiled by E. C. Marchant London etc. - Harrap, 1970 Testo Monografico Conseil de la cooperation culturelle (Strasburgo) Etudes des programmes europeens - dans l'enseignement secondaire classique Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe Testo Monografico Conseil de la cooperation culturelle (Strasburgo) Films sur la géographie - un catalogue sélectionné Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe, 1966 Testo Monografico |