(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Geografia |
Pagina nr. 4589 di 8479 |
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1- Die Orts- und Gewassernamen der prasargonischen und sargonischen Zeit / von Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber, Edmond Sollberger Wiesbaden - L. Reichert, 1977 Incluso in > Repertoire geographique des textes cuneiformes Testo Monografico Edzard, Dietz Otto 2- Die Orts- und Gewassernamen der Zeit der 3. Dynastie von Ur / von Dietz Otto Edzard und Gertrud Farber Wiesbaden - L. Reichert, 1974 Incluso in > Repertoire geographique des textes cuneiformes Testo Monografico Eekhof-Stork, Nancy The world atlas of cheese / by Nancy Eekhof-Stork ; english-language edition edited by Adrian Bailey London - Paddington Press Ltd, copyr. 1976 Testo Monografico Efetov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich Forester and burnet moths (Lepidoptera- zygaenidae) - the genera Theresimima Strand, 1917, Rhagades Wallengren, 1863, Zygaenoprocris Hampson, 1900, Adscita Retzius, 1783, Jordanita Verity, 1946 (Procrinidae), and Zygaena Fabricius, 1775 (Zygaeninae) / K. A. Efetov ; colour drawing by N. V. Dyadenko & K. A. Efetov ; line drawings by V. L. Saenko ... °ed altri Simferopol ; Crimean state university press, c2004 Testo Monografico Efrat, Elisha Geography and politics in Israel - since 1967 / Elisha Efrat London - Frank Cass, 1988 Testo Monografico Efrat, Elisha Urbanization in Israel / Elisha Efrat London ; Canberra - Croom Helm ; New York - St. Martins press, 1984 Testo Monografico Efrat, Elisha The West Bank and Gaza Strip - a geography of occupation and disengagement / Elisha Efrat London ; New York - Routledge, 2006 Testo Monografico Efrem (santo) Commentaire de l'Evangile concordant ou Diatessaron - traduit du syriaque et de l'armenien / Ephrem de Nisibe ; introduction, traduction et notes par Louis Leloir Paris - Les editions du cerf, 1966 Testo Monografico Efrem (santo) Hymnes sur le paradis / Ephrem de Nisibe ; traduction du syriaque par Rene Lavenant ; introduction et notes par Francois Graffin Paris - Les editions du cerf, 1968 Testo Monografico Ege, Vilhelm Chauliodus schn., bathypelagic genus of fishes - a systematic, phylogenetic and geographical study / by Vilh. Ege Copenhagen - C. A. Reitzels Forlag ; London - Oxford university press, 1948 Testo Monografico Ege, Vilhelm The genus Stomias Cuv., - taxonomy and bio-geography - (based on adolescent and adult specimens) / by Vilh. Ege Copenhagen ; London - C. A. Reitzels Forlag - Oxford university press, 1934 Testo Monografico Ege, Vilhelm A revision of the genus Anguilla Shaw - a systematic, phylogenetic and geographical study / by Vilh. Ege Copenhagen - C. A. Reitzel ; London - Oxford university press, 1939 (Copenhagen - Bianco Luno) Testo Monografico Egenhofer, Max J. Query language for geographic information systems / three papers by Max J. Egenhofer and Andrew U. Frank Santa Barbara - NCGIA, 1990 Testo Monografico Egerton, Hugh Edward The origin & growth of greater Britain - an introduction to Sir C.P. Lucas's Historical geography / by Hugh Edward Egerton Oxford - The Clarendon Press, 1924 Testo Monografico Egerton, Hugh Edward The origin & growth of the English colonies and of their system of government - an introduction to Mr. C. P. Lucass historical geography of the British colonies / by Hugh Edward Egerton Oxford - The Clarendon Press, 1903 Testo Monografico |