(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Geografia |
Pagina nr. 6546 di 8479 |
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La Costa dei Gelsomini... Roccella Jonica - s.n. 1971- . (Catanzaro - Silipo) Testo Monografico Molinier, Auguste Géographie historique de la Provence de Languedoc au moyen äge / Auguste Molinier Toulouse - Édouard Privat, 1889 Testo Monografico Molinini, G. Veneto - guida geografico-storica / G. Molinini Firenze - F. Le Monnier, 1968 Testo Monografico Molino, Baldassarre Caratteri originali del paesaggio nella toponomastica del Roero / Baldassarre Molino Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n. , 1985 (Savigliano - L'artistica) Testo Monografico Molino, Gemma Il mio libro - Sussidiario di storia-geografia grammatica per la 5 classe elementare Torino - G. B. Paravia e C. Edit. Tip., 1929 Testo Monografico Molino, Gemma Per lo scolaro italiano della 3. classe elementare - sussidiario di storia, geografia, grammatica / G. Molino, G. E. Bocco, L. Gazzone Torino (etc.) - G. P. Paravia & c., 1929 Testo Monografico Molinu, Nino György Lukács - dalla vita pensata al pensiero vissuto / Nino Molinu °Cagliari - Kalb, 1984 Testo Monografico Molinu, Nino Heller e Lukács - amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas - topica della odierna utopia / Nino Molinu Roma - Montagnoli, 1984 Testo Monografico Moliterni, Claude Il fumetto - cent'anni di avventura / Claude Moliterni, Philippe Mellot, Michel Denni Torino - Universale Electa/Gallimard, 1996 Testo Monografico Moliterni, Franco Civiltŕ rupestre a Matera - escursioni guidate sulla Murgia materana / Franco Moliterni ; foto Claudio Bernardi, Franco Moliterni ; disegni Antonio Giovanni Losacco, Roberto Sacco Matera - EdiTer, 1996 Testo Monografico Moll, Herman Regni Hiberniae accurata tabula per Hermannum Moll, recognita a C. Weigelio 1 c. geogr. - acqf. color. ; 41x34 cm Incluso in > Io. Davidis Koeleri hist. et polit. PP. Altdorfini ?atlas manualis scholasticus et itinerarius complectens novae geographiae tabulas 50 cum gratia et privilegio sacrae Caesareae Maiestatis Cartina Moll, Herman Geographia classica- or, the Geography of the Antients, As conteined in the Greek and Latin Classics- exhibited in thirty-two maps, Shewing the Several Empires, Kingdoms and Provinces, the Chief Cities, Towns, Rivers and Mountains, mentioned in Homer, Herodotus, Justin, Virgil, Ovid, Florus, Nepos, Cćsar, Livy, Lucan, Plutarch, and many other Antient Authors. Principally designed for the Use of Schools, as being accomodated for the more easy and clear understanding of Antient Authors. By Herman Moll, Geographer London - Printed for Thomas Bowles, print and Map-Seller, in St. Paul's-Church-Yard; and John Bowles and Son, at the Black-Horfe in Cornhill Cartina Moll, Herman A new map of Great Britain / according to the newest and most exact observations by Herman Moll Cornhill - printed and sold by Tho. Bowles, John Bowles and John King, °17.. Cartina Moll, Herman A new map of Italy - distinguishing all the sovereignties in it, whether states, kindoms, dutchies, principalities, republicks & c. - with the post roads, and many remarks not extan in any map / according to y.e newest and most exact observatios by H. Moll geographer (Londra) - H. Moll, 1714 Cartina Moll, Herman A new map of the upper part of Italy - containing y e principality of Piemont y e Dutchies of Savoy, Milan, Parma, Mantua, Modena, Tuscany, the dominions of y e Pope & c. the Republiques of Venice, Genoa, Lucca & c. To his most sacred majesty George II King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, elector of Bruns - Wick - Luneburg & c. This map is most humble dedicated / by H. Moll geographer (Londra) - printed and sold by tho - Bowles next the chapter Houle in S.t. Pauls church-yard, and John Bowles at the Blackhorse in Cornhill, (1710?) Cartina |