Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Health services in Britain / (a cura del) Central office of information, London
London - British information services, 1964
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Health services in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1973
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Honours and titles in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1975
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Housing in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1975
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Industry in Britain - Organisation and production / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1973
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Inland transport in Britain / Central office of information
London - Central office of information, 1971
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
The Insurance industry in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1968
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Local government in Britain / Central office of information
London - C.O.I., 1972
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Manufacturing industries in Britain / Central office of information
London - Central office of information, 1971
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
The Monarchy in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1971
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
The Monarchy in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1973
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Motor vehicles / Central office of information
London - C.O.I., 1972
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
The new towns of Britain / Central office of information
London - Central office of information, 1972
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
Notes on some prices in Britain / Central Office of Information
London - C.O.I., 1971
Saggio Monografico
Gran Bretagna - Central office of information
L' organizzazione dei partiti politici in Gran Bretagna / compilato per i Servizi di informazione britannici dal Central office of information, di Londra
Londra - Servizi di informazione britannici, 1965
Saggio Monografico