Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Italia (BEL-CAV) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 376
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1661


Blaas, Richard
Dalla rivolta friulana nell'autunno 1864 alla cessione del Veneto nel 1866 / Richard Blaas
Venezia - A spese della Deputazione, 1968
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Blaas, Richard
Metternich, Mazzini und die gründung der Giovine Italia / von Richard Blaas
Wien - F. Berger, 1972
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Blaas, Richard
Il problema veneto nella politica estera austriaca del periodo 1859-1966 / Richard Blaas
Venezia - s.n., 1967 (Padova - Tip. Antoniana)
Testo Monografico

Black, Christopher F.
Church, religion and society in early modern Italy / Christopher F. Black
Basingstoke ; New York - Palgrave, 2004
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Black, Christopher F.
Le confraternite italiane del Cinquecento / Christopher F. Black ; traduzione di Anna Fare
Milano - Rizzoli, 1992
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Black, Christopher F.
Early modern Italy - a social history / Christopher F. Black
London ; New York - Routledge, 2001
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Black, Christopher F.
Italian confraternities in the sixteenth century / Christopher F. Black
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1989
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Black, Christopher F.
The Italian inquisition / Christopher F. Black
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, 2009
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Black, Jeremy (1955- )
Italy and the Grand Tour / Jeremy Black
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, ©2003
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Black, Robert (1946- )
Humanism and education in medieval and Renaissance Italy - tradition and innovation in Latin schools from the twelfth to the fifteenth century / Robert Black
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2001
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Black, Robert (1946- )
Italian education - languages, syllabuses, methods / Robert Black
Leuven (etc.) - Peeters, (2006?)
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Black, Robert (1946- )
The vernacular and the teaching of Latin in thirteenth and fourteenth-century, Italy / (Robert Black)
In Spoleto - presso la sede del Centro, (1996)
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Black, William (1954- )
I bucatini di Garibaldi - avventure storico-gastronomiche di un inglese innamorato dell'Italia / William Black
Casale Monferrato - Piemme, 2004
Testo Monografico

Blackburn, Bonnie J.
Music for Treviso Cathedral in the late sixteenth century - a reconstruction of the lost manuscripts 29 and 30 / Bonnie J. Blackburn
London - Real music association, 1987
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Blackmer, Donald L. M.
Unity in diversity - Italian communism and the communist world / (by) Donald L. M. Blackmer
Cambridge, Mass ; London - M.I.T. Press, (1968)
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