Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo - senza autore)
Argomento: Letteratura

Pagina nr. 640 di 2355       

Chresis - die Methode der Kirchenvater im Umgang mit der antiken Kultur / (hrsg.) Christian Gnilka
Basel - Schwabe
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Chrestomathie russe ou *choix de Morceaux / extraits des meilleurs auteurs russes anciens et modernes par A. Wassiljewitsch ; avec un Vocabulaire explicatif par C. Köhlert
Francfort s. M. - Charles Jugel, libraire-éditeur, 1880
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The Christian and Judaic invention of history / edited by Jacob Neusner
Atlanta - Scholars Press, c1990
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Christian Arabic apologetics during the Abbasid period (750-1258) / edited by Samir Khalil Samir and J rgen S. Nielsen
Leiden etc. - E. J. Brill, 1994
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Christianisme et formes litteraires de l'antiquite tardive en occident - Vandoeuvres, Geneve - 23-28 aout 1976 - huit exposes suivis de discussions / par Alan Cameron ... (ed altri) ; entretiens prepares et presides par Manfred Fuhrmann
Vandoeuvres, Geneve - Fondation Hardt, c1977
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Christianismes orientaux - introduction a l'etude des langues et des litteratures / Micheline Albert ... ed altri ; introduction par Antoine Guillaumont
Paris - Cerf, 1993
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Christianorum scripta primaeva - antologia di scrittori latini cristiani / Luigi Leone
Napoli - Libreria scientifica editrice
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Christlich-arabische Chrestomathie aus historischen Schriftstellern des Mittelalters / von Peter Kawerau
Louvain - Secrétariat du Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium, 1976-1977
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Christopher Hampton - a casebook / edited by Robert Gross
New York ecc. - Garland, 1990
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Christopher Marlowe / edited with an introduction by Harold Bloom
New York ; Philadelphia - Chelsea House publishers, c1986
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Christopher Marlowe - the plays and their sources / edited by Vivien Thomas and William Tydeman
London etc. - Routledge, 1994
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Christopher Marlowe- Doctor Faustus / notes by Christopher Murray
Harlow - Longman ; Beirut - York Press, 1981
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Chronica Tertullianea et Cyprianea, 1975-1994 - bibliographie critique de la prèmiere littérature latine chrétienne / René Braun ... ed altri
Paris - Institut d'études Augustiniennes, 1999
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Les chroniqueurs francais - oeuvres choisies / Villehardouin, Froissart, Joinville, Commines
Paris - La renaissance du livre, stampa 1929
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Chrétien de Troyes and the German Middle Ages - papers from an international symposium / edited with an introduction by Martin H. Jones and Roy Wisbey
Cambridge - D.S. Brewer ; London - University of London, Institute of Germanic studies, 1993
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