Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo - senza autore)
Argomento: Letteratura

Pagina nr. 1913 di 2355       

33- Romanische Prosa aus den Jahren 1989 bis 1995. 2., Spanische, lateinamerikanische, portugiesische und brasilianische Erzählprosa / herausgegeben von Bernd Graf
Stuttgart - A. Hiersemann, 1997
Incluso in > Der Romanfuhrer - der Inhalt der Romane und Novellen der Weltliteratur / herausgegeben von Wilhelm Olbrich ; (poi) von Hans-Christoph Plesske
Testo Monografico

Die romanischen Literaturen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts / von Hanns Heiss ... ed altri
Potsdam - Athenaion
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Romanistica turkuensis - mèlanges d'ètudes romanes - offerts à Lauri Lindgren à l'occasion de son 60. anniversaire
Turku - Turun Yliopisto, 1993
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Romanistische Kompartistik - Begegnungen der Texte - Literatur im Vergleich / Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink ; Hans T. Siepe (Hrsg.)
Frankfurt am Main etc. - P. Lang, c1993
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7- Romano Luperini presenta Luigi Pirandello - relazioni e proposte di lavoro
Rimini - Comune, (1993)
Incluso in > Scuola e contemporaneita - ?un ?contributo alla conoscenza della letteratura del '900 - quaderno / (per iniziativa del) Comune di Rimini, Assessorato alla pubblica istruzione
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Romanorum comoedia a Caecilio usque ad Terentium - testimonia et scripta / Vincenzo Ciaffi
Torino - G. Giappichelli, stampa 1969
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Romantic contraries - freedom versus destiny / Peter L. Thorslev, jr
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, c1984
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Romantic criticism - 1800-1850 / edited by R. A. Foakes
London - Arnold, 1968
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The romantic imagination - a casebook / edited by John Spencer Hill
London - MacMillan, 1977
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The romantic imagination - literature and art in England and Germany / edited by Frederick Burwick and Jürgen Klein
Amsterdam ; Atlanta - Rodopi, 1996
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The Romantic movement - a selective and critical bibliography for 1985 / edited by David V. Erdman ; with the assistance of Brian J. Dendle... ed altri
New York ecc. - Garland, 1986
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Romantic mythologies / edited by Ian Fletcher
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967
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A romantic storybook / selected and edited by Morris Bishop ; drawings by Alison Mason Kingsbury
Ithaca ; London - Cornell University Press, 1971
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The romantic triumph - American literature from 1830 to 1860 / edited by Tremaine McDowell
New York - MacMillan, 1933
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I romantici tedeschi / a cura di Giuseppe Bevilacqua
Milano - Rizzoli
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