Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Letteratura

Pagina nr. 1288 di 6593       

Chambers, Edmund Kerchever
2- English literature at the close of the Middle Ages / by E. K. Chambers
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1954
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Chambers, Edmund Kerchever
William Shakespeare - a study of facts and problems / by E. K. Chambers
Oxford - At the Clarendon Press
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Chambers, Robert (studioso di letteratura)
Parody - The art that plays with art / Robert Chambers
New York (etc.) - Lang, 2010
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Chambers, Ross
Story and situation - narrative seduction and the power of fiction / Ross Chambers ; foreword by Wlad Godzich
Manchester - Manchester university press ; Minneapolis - University of Minnesota press, c1984
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Chambers, Ross
The writing of melancoly - modes of opposition in early French Modernism / Ross Chambers ; translated by Mary Seidman Trouille
Chicago etc. - The University of Chicago Press, c1993
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Chambrun, Clara Longworth - comtesse de (1873-1954)
Shakespeare retrouvé - sa vie, son oeuvre / Longworth Chambrun
Paris - Librairie Larousse - Librairie Plon, c1947
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Chamfort, Sebastien Roch Nicolas
Amore & letteratura - massime / Chamfort
Milano - Liber internazionale, 1993
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Chamfort, Sebastien Roch Nicolas
Massime e pensieri, caratteri e aneddoti / S.R. Nicolas Chamfort ; a cura di Umberto Renda e di Gianni Nicoletti
Torino - Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, stampa 1957
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Chamisso, Adalbert - von
Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte / mitgeteilt von Adelbert von Chamisso
Stuttgart - Reclam, 1949
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Chamla, Mino
La " rappresentazione" della Shoah nel cinema / Mino Chamla
Incluso in > Conoscere la Shoah - storia, letteratura, filosofia, teologia, arte / Massimo Giuliani (ed.)
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Chamoiseau, Patrick
Lettres creoles - tracees antillaises et continentales de la litterature - Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, 1635-1975 / Patrick Chamoiseau, Raphael Confiant
Paris - Hatier, 1991
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Chamoiseau, Patrick
Solibo magnificent / Patrick Chamoiseau ; translated from the French and Creole by Rose-Myriam Rejouis and Val Vinokurov ; afterword by Rose-Myriam Rejouis
London - Granta, 1999
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Champagne, Maurice
L' isola del solitario / illustrazioni di G. Rossini
Firenze - Salani, 1968
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Champion, Ernest A.
Mr. Baldwin, I presume - James Baldwin-Chinua Achebe - a meeting of the minds / Ernest A. Champion
Lanham etc. - University press of America, c1995
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Champion, Larry S.
The noise of threatening drum
- dramatic strategy and political ideology in Shakespeare and the english chronicle plays / Larry S. Champion
Newark - University od Delaware Press ; London ; Toronto - Associated University Press, 1990
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