Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Letteratura

Pagina nr. 2924 di 6593       

Gumucio, Manuela
One mil virgenes / Manuela Gumucio
Santiago de Chile- Alfaguara, 2006
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Gunderson, Erik
Declamation, paternity and Roman identity - authority and the rhetorical self / Erik Gunderson
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2003
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Gundolf, Friedrich
Shakespeare - sein Wesen und Werk / von Friedrich Gundolf
Berlin - Bondi, 1928
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Gundova Jergova, Agnesa
Zoly bol ohnovy pes
Rim - Slovensky ustav sv. Cyrila a Metoda, 1973
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Gundulic, Ivan
Diela Ivana Gundulica
Zagreb - Tip. L. Gaja
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Gundulic, Ivan
Ljepota je u Dubravi - izbor poezije / Ivan Gundulic
Zagreb - Mladost, 1991
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Gunew, Sneja
Framing marginality - multicultural literary studies / Sneja Gunew
Carlton - Melbourne university press, 1994
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Gunkel, Hermann (1862-1932)
The legends of Genesis - the biblical saga and history / Hermann Gunkel ; introduction by William F. Albright
New York - Schocken books, 1964
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Gunn, Carla
Amphibian / Carla Gunn ; traduzione- Alessandra Passeri
Reggio Emilia - Miraviglia, 2013
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Gunn, Giles
The interpretation of otherness - literature, religion, and the American imagination / Giles Gunn
New York - Oxford university press, 1979
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Gunn, James Edward
Progetto stelle / James E. Gunn
Milano - Armenia, (1978)
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Gunn, James Edward
Questo mondo inespugnabile / James E. Gunn
Bologna - Libra, 1976
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Gunn, James Edward
Storia illustrata della fantascienza / James Gunn
Milano - Armenia, 1979
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Gunnesson, Ann-Mari
Les écrivains flamands et le champ littéraire en Belgique francophone / Ann-Mari Gunnesson
Goteborg - Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2001
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Gunning, Sandra
Race, rape, and lynching - the red record of American literature, 1890-1912 / Sandra Gunning
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, 1996
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