Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Letteratura

Pagina nr. 3310 di 6593       

Krüger, Marie
Female characters in contemporary Kenyan women's writing - independent figures or subdued voices? / Marie Krüger
Madison - African studies program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998
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Ku, Sang
Il fiume di Cristoforo - raccolta di poesie con testo a fronte / Ku Sang ; a cura di Vincenza D'Urso
Venezia - Cafoscarina, 2005
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Die sechzehn Lohans - eine beruhmte Bildnisreihe der chinesisch-buddhistischen Kunst / Guan Hsiu ; Herausgegeben von Gerhard Pommeranz-Liedtke
Leipzig - Insel, 1961
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Kubati, Ron
Va e non torna - romanzo / Ron Kubati
Nardo - Besa, (2004)
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Kube-McDowell, Michael P.
Guerre stellari - La resa dei conti / Michael P. Kube-McDowel
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1999
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Kube-McDowell, Michael P.
Guerre stellari - Un nuovo nemico / Michael P. Kube-McDowell
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1998
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Kubelka, Susanna
Ofelia impara a nuotare / Susanna Kubelka
Milano - CDE, stampa 1991
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Kubikov, Ivan Nikolaevic
Klassiki russkoj literatury - lekcii, citannye v Voskresnom universitete i M. G. U. / I. N. Kubikov
Moskva - Izdatel'stvo 1.-go moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1930
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Kues, Maurice
Tolstoi vivant - notes et souvenirs / Marice Kues
Geneve-Annemasse - Editions du Mont-Blanc, (1945)
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Kugel, James L.
Shem in the tents of Japhet - essays on the encounter of Judaism and Hellenism / by James L. Kugel
Leiden etc. - Brill, 2002
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Kugel', Aleksandr Rafailovic
Russkie dramaturgi - ocerki teatral'nogo kritika / A.R. Kugel' ; red. i primecanija V.F. Bocjanovskogo
Moskva - MIR, 1934
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Kuhlmann, Susan
Knave, fool, and genius - the confidence man as he appears in nineteenth-century American fiction / by Susan Kuhlmann
Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina press, c1973
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Kuhn, Anne-Louise
Carducci e la letteratura tedesca. Saggio bibliografico / tesi di Anne-Louise Kuhn ; relatore Felicita Audisio
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 2006 )
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Kuhn, Barbara
Mythos und Metapher - Metamorphosen des Kirke-Mythos in der Literatur der italienischen Renaissance / Barbara Kuhn
München - W. Fink, ©2003
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Kuhn, Hugo
2- Dichtung und Welt im Mittelalter / Hugo Kuhn
Stuttgart - Metzler, 1969
Incluso in > Kleine Schriften / Hugo Kuhn
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