Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Libri (LIB-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 471
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1749


Natalini, Sandro
Un cane fra le stelle / Sandro Natalini
Firenze - Fatatrac, (2008)
Saggio Monografico

Natalini, Sandro
E nato prima l'uovo... o il dinosauro? / Sandro Natalini
Firenze - Fatatrac, 2007
Saggio Monografico

Natalini, Sandro
Il sapore amaro delle arance / Sandro Natalini ; illustrazioni di Tommaso Nava
(Belvedere Marittimo) - Coccole e Caccole, 2010
Saggio Monografico

Nathan (rabbino)
Aboth de Rabbi Nathan / huius libri recensiones duas collatis variis apud bibliothecas et publicas et privatas codicibus edidit, prooemium notas appendices indicesque addidit Salomon Shechter
Londini - Nutt ; Vindobonae - Lippe ; Francofurti - Kauffmann, 1887
Saggio Monografico

Nathan, Fernand
34lLecons de choses en images sans paroles a raconter par les petits - deuxieme livre d' initiation et d' elocution / Jean Perrot, Fernand Fau
Paris - Librairie classique Fernand Nathan
Saggio Monografico

National Art Library (Londra)
The art of the book - from medieval manuscript to graphic novel / edited by James Bettley
London - V&A publications, 2001
Saggio Monografico

National Gallery of Art (Washington)
The Patricia G. England collection of fine press and artists? books
Washington - National Gallery of Art, c2000
Saggio Monografico

National library of Canada
Incunabula, Hebraica & Judaica. Five Centuries of Hebraica and Judaica, Rare Bibles, and Hebrew Incunables from Jacob M. Lowry Collection - Exhibition / catalogue prefaced by Brad Sabin Hill
Ottawa - National Library of Canada, 1981
Saggio Monografico

National library of medicine (Bethesda)
A catalogue of seventeenth century printed books in the National Library of medicine / compiled by Peter Krivatsy
Bethesda, Md. - U.S. Departement of Health and Human Service, 1989
Saggio Monografico

National library of medicine (Bethesda)
A catalogue of sixteenth century printed books in national Library of Medecine / compiled by Richard J. Durling
Bethesda - U. S. departement of health, education and welfare, 1967
Saggio Monografico

National library of medicine (Bethesda)
A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine / compiled by Richard J. Durling
Bethesda, Md. - U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare ..., 1967
Saggio Monografico

National library of medicine (Bethesda)
National Library of Medicine classification - a scheme for the shelf arrangement of books in the field of medicine and its related sciences
Bethesda, Md.
Saggio Monografico

National library of medicine (Bethesda)
A short-title catalogue of eighteenth century printed books in the National library of medicine / compiled by John B. Blake
Bethesda - US Department of health, education and welfare, Public health Service - National library of medicine, 1979
Saggio Monografico

National library of Wales
Libri Walliae - a catalogue of Welsh books and books printed in Wales, 1546-1820 / National Library of Wales ; a cura di Eiluned Rees
Aberystwyth - National Library of Wales, 1987
Saggio Monografico

Natoli, Giuseppe
Grammatica italiana per le scuole medie inferiori / Giuseppe Natoli
Milano - L. Trevisini, 1930
Saggio Monografico

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