Sotheby?s (Londra) Libri , stampe e autografi - fra i quali Albrecht Durer ... - lunedi 19 dicembre1994-Palazzo Broggi / Sotheby's Milano - Sotheby's, (1994?) Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Libri , stampe e disegni - (Milano, 11 e 12 maggio) / Sotheby's Milano - Sotheby's, 1999? Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Libri , stampe e gouaches - fra cui una collezione di libri di cucina e sul'alimentazione ... - asta- mercoledi 7, giovedi 8 e venerdi 9 maggio 1997, (Milano) Palazzo Broggi ... / Sotheby's Milano - Sotheby's, (1997?) Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Magnificent books, manuscripts and drawings from the collection of Frederick, 2. lord Hesketh - The property of the trustees of the 2. baron Hesketh's will trust - London, 7 December 2010 / Sotheby?s Londra - Sotheby?s, (2010?) Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Mappe, disegni, stampe e libri - data dell'asta 23 marzo 1995 Palazzo Broggi ... venerdi 24 marzo ... 25 marzo 1995 / Sotheby's Milano - Sotheby's, (1995?) Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Music - London Thursday 1 December 2005 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2005 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Music - London Friday 19 May 2006 / Sothebys London - Sothebys, (2006?) Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Natural history, travel, atlases and maps - London Tuesday 9 May 2006 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2006 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Natural history, travel, atlases and maps - London Thursday 10 May 2007 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, 2007 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Printed books - including atlases, maps, travel and topography, literature, illustrated and children's books, juvenilia, books on the occult and related subjects, continental and early printed books, sport, natural history, science and medicine / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, c1985 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Printed books - including atlases, maps, travel and topography, Scandinavian and Icelandic books, English literature, continental and early printed books, sport, natural history, science and medicine / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, c1985 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Printed books, manuscripts and music - including atlases, maps, travel and topography, bibliography and art reference London - Sotheby's, c1985 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Printed books, maps and atlases - including travel and topography, Russian avant-garde literature, English literature and a collection of late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century books in contemporary bindings / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, c1985 Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Six centuries of boook binding - London, Thursday 7 November 2002 / Sothebys London - Sothebys, 2002? Saggio Monografico Sotheby?s (Londra) Valuable printed books and maps - London, Thursday 16 November 2006 ... London - Sotheby's, 2006 Saggio Monografico |