Bibliografia Archeo Arte Capitolina
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1986-1993

Pagina nr. 1653 di 1674       

Warburg, Aby
Ausgewahlte Schriften und Wurdigungen / Aby M. Warburg ; herausgegeben von Dieter Wuttke
Baden-Baden - Koerner, 1992
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Ward, Philip
Touring Libia
London - Faber & Faber, 1967- .
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Ward-Perkins, John B. (1912-1981)
Marble in antiquity - collected papers of J. B. Ward-Perkins / edited by Hazel Dodge and Bryan Ward-Perkins
London - British School at Rome, 1992
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Ward-Perkins, John B. (1912-1981)
The severan buildings of Lepcis Magna - an architectural survey / by J. B. Ward-Perkins ; with a contribution by Barri Jones and Roger Ling ; edited by Philip Kenrick ; with architectural drawings prepared and edited by R. Kronenburg
London - Published on behalf of the Department of Antiquities Tripoli, SPLAJ, by the Society for Libyan Studies, 1993
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Wardropper, Ian
European decorative arts in the Art institute of Chicago / Ian Wardropper, Lynn Springer Roberts
Chicago - The art institute of Chicago, 1991
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Warnke, Martin
Artisti di corte - preistoria dell'artista moderno / Martin Warnke ; traduzione di Renato Pedio
Roma - Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1991
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Warnke, Martin
The court artist - on the ancestry of the modern artist / Martin Warnke ; translated by David McLintock
Cambridge - Cambridge University press ; Paris - Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, c1993
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Waterhouse, Helen
The British School at Athens - The First Hundred Years / by Helen Waterhouse
London - The British School at Athens, 1986
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Watkin, David
Architettura neoclassica tedesca, 1740-1840 / David Watkin, Tilman Mellinghoff
Milano - Electa, ©1990
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Watkin, David
Storia dell'architettura occidentale / David Watkin
Bologna - Zanichelli, 1990
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Watrous, Livingston Vance
3- The Late bronze age pottery / Livingstone Vance Watrous
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University press, c1992
Incluso in > Kommos - an excavation on the South coast of Crete by the University of Toronto and the Royal Ontario Museum under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens / Joseph W. Shaw,...
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Watson, Elizabeth See
Achille Bocchi and the emblem book as symbolic form / Elizabeth See Watson
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1993
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Watson, Katherine
French Romanesque and Islam - Andalusian elements in French architectural decoration c. 1030-1180 / Katherine Watson
Oxford - BAR, 1989
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Watson, William
Strumenti di pietra / William Watson ; pubblicazione a cura del British museum ; traduzione di Roberto Bosi
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1991
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Watteau, Jean Antoine
Le vite antiche / Watteau ; a cura di Pierre Rosenberg
Bologna - Nuova alfa - Elemond, ©1991
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