Bibliografia Archeo Arte Capitolina
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1986-1993

Pagina nr. 1663 di 1674       

Yamey, Basil S.
Arte e contabilità / Basil Yamey
Bologna - Credito romagnolo, 1986
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Yarden, Leon
The spoils of Jerusalem on the arch of Titus - a re-investigation / Leon Yarden
Stockholm - Svenska Institutet i Rom, c1991
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Yates, Frances Amelia
L' arte della memoria / Frances A. Yates ; con uno scritto di Ernst H. Gombrich
Torino - Einaudi, 1993
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Yegul, Fikret
Baths and bathing in classical antiquity / Fikret Yegul
New York - The architectural history foundation ; Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Mit press, c1992
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L' alchimiste / Yerant
Torino - Stamperia artistica nazionale, 1993
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Yntema, Douwe
In search of an ancient countryside - the Amsterdam Free University field survey at Oria province of Brindisi South Italy (1981-1983) / Douwe Yntema
Amsterdam - Thesis, 1993
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Yntema, Douwe
The matt-painted pottery of Southern Italy - a general survey of the matt-painted pottery styles of Southern Italy during the final bronze age and the iron age / Douwe Yntema
Galatina - Congedo, 1990
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Yon, Ephrem
Le sante icone / Ephrem Yon, Philippe Sers
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Credito artigiano ; Milano - Passigli progetti, c 1993
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Young, Eve Marie
Equitable Versicherungs-Bauten / Eve Marie Young
Bonn - °s.n. , 1991
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Younger, John G.
4- A bibliography for Aegean glyptic in the Bronze Age / von John G. Younger
Berlin - G. Mann, 1991
Incluso in > Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Beiheft / begrW1I0undet von Fr iedrich Matz ; im Auftrag der Kommission fW1I0ur ArchW1I0aologie vorsitzende r Bernard Andreae ; herausgegeben von Ingo P...
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Younger, John G.
Bronze age Aegean seals in their middle phase (ca. 1700-1550 B.C.) / by John G. Younger
Jonsered - Paul Astrom, 1993
Incluso in > Studies in Mediterranean archaeology
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Zabis, Sulayman Mu afa
Corpus des inscriptions arabes de Tunisie / préface de Georges Marçais
Tunis - Direction des Antiquités et Arts
Incluso in > Notes et documents .
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Zaccheo, Luigi
La cattedrale di Sezze / Luigi Zaccheo
Cori - Consorzio delle biblioteche Monti Lepini, 1990
Incluso in > Ypothekai - bollettino d'informazioni quadrimestrale
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Zachar, Lev
Keltische Kunst in der Slowakei / Lev Zachar ; mit Photographien von Petr Paul
Bratislava - Tatran, 1987
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Zaffanella, Gian Carlo
Anatolia - esplorazioni archeologiche / Gian Carlo Zaffanella ; foto di Gian Luigi Zerbetto
Montagnana - Istituto di ricerche egeo-anatoliche Atlantis, 1993
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