Bibliografia Archeo Arte Capitolina
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994-1998

Pagina nr. 1591 di 1737       

Shalem, Avinoam
Islam christianized - islamic portable objects in the medieval church treasuries in the Latin West / Avinoam Shalem
Frankfurt am Main etc. - Peter Lang, 1996
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Shanks, Michael (n.1959)
Classical archeology of Greece / Michael Shanks
London °etc. - Routledge, 1996
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Shapiro, H. A.
Art and cult under the tyrants in Athens. Supplement / by H. A. Shapiro
Mainz - von Zabern, ©1995
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Shapiro, H. A.
Myth into Art - Poet and Painter in Classical Greece / H. A. Shapiro
London and New York - Routledge, 1994
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Shapley, Fern Rusk
Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress Collection
London - Phaidon, 1966- .
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Shaw, Brent D.
Environment and society in Roman North Africa - studies in history and archaeology / Brent D. Shaw
Aldershot - Variorum, 1995
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Shaw, Ian
British museum dictionary of ancient Egypt / Ian Shaw and Paul Nicholson
London - published for the Trustees of the British museum by British museum, 1996
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Shearman, John
Arte e spettatore nel Rinascimento italiano - Only connect... / John Shearman
Milano - Jaca book, 1995
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Shell, Janice
Butinone e Zenale / J. Shell, F. Rossi, P. De Vecchi
Bergamo - Bolis, 1994
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Shell, Janice
Pittori in bottega - Milano nel Rinascimento / Janice Shell
Torino - U. Allemandi, 1995
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Shell, Marc
Art & money / Marc Shell
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1995
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Shenkar, Nadine
L' art juif et la kabbale / Nadine Shenkar
Paris - NiL, 1996
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Sheriff, Mary D.
The exceptional woman - Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun and the cultural politics of art / Mary D. Sheriff
Chicago (etc.) - The University of Chicago press, 1997
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Sherman, Claire Richter
Imaging Aristotle - verbal and visual representation in fourteenth-century France / Claire Richter Sherman
Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London - University of California press, c1995
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Sherman, Sarai
Camera picta / Sarai Sherman
Seattle - Università di Washington ; Firenze - Vallecchi, 1994
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