Pagina nr. 673 di 1795 |
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Gli Acarnesi / Aristofane ; traduzione, saggio critico, note testuali a cura di Carlo F. Russo Bari - Adriatica, stampa 1953 Testo Monografico Aristophanes Le commedie / Aristofane ; edizione critica e traduzione a cura di R. Cantarella Milano - Istituto editoriale italiano, 1949-1964 Testo Monografico Aristophanes 2- The peace ; The birds ; The frogs / Aristophanes Cambridge - Harvard University Press ; London - Heinemann, 1950 Incluso in > Aristophanes / with an English translation by Benjamin Bickley Rogers Testo Monografico Aristoteles Aristotelis physica / recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit W. D. Ross Oxonii - E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1950 Testo Monografico Aristoteles Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art - with a critical text and translation of the Poetics / S. H. Butcher ; with a prefatory essay aristotelian literary criticism by John Gassner New York - Dover Publications, c1951 Testo Monografico Aristoteles 20- The Athenian constitution ; The Eudemian ethics ; On virtues and vices / (Aristoteles) ; with an English translation by H. Rackham Cambridge (Mass.) ; London - Harvard University press, 1952 Incluso in > Aristotle - in twenty three volumes Testo Monografico Aristoteles Erste Analytik / Aristoteles Paderborn - Ferdinand Schoningh, 1953 Incluso in > Die Lehrschriften / Aristoteles ; herausgegeben, ubertragen und in ihrer Entstehung erlautert von Paul Gohlke Testo Monografico Aristoteles 4- Essay on constitutions ; Books 6.-8. Text and notes Oxford - Oxford University press, 1950 Incluso in > The politics of Aristotle / with an introduction, two prefatory essays and note critical and explanatory by W. L. Newman Testo Monografico Aristoteles L' etica nicomachea - luoghi scelti / Aristotele Firenze - La nuova Italia, 1954 Testo Monografico Aristoteles 13- Generation of animals / with an English transl. by A. L. Peck London - Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University Press, 1953 Incluso in > Aristotle - in twenty three volumes Testo Monografico Aristoteles La Metafisica / Aristotele ; tradotta da Pietro Eusebietti ; con una introduzione storica analitica e filosofica a cura di Emilio Oggioni Padova - A. Milani, 1950 Testo Monografico Aristoteles 7- Meteorologica / Aristotle ; with an English translation by H. D. P. Lee Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press ; London - W. Heinemann, 1952 Incluso in > Aristotle - in twenty three volumes Testo Monografico Aristoteles The politics of Aristotle / with an introduction, two prefatory essays and note critical and explanatory by W. L. Newman Oxford - Oxford University Press Testo Monografico Aristoteles 2- Prefatory essays ; Books 1. and 2. text and notes Oxford - Oxford university press, 1950 Incluso in > The politics of Aristotle / with an introduction, two prefatory essays and note critical and explanatory by W. L. Newman Testo Monografico Aristoteles 3- Two essays ; Books 3., 4., and 5. text and notes Oxford - Oxford university press, 1950 Incluso in > The politics of Aristotle / with an introduction, two prefatory essays and note critical and explanatory by W. L. Newman Testo Monografico |