Bibliografia Mediol
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1960-1964

Pagina nr. 913 di 2444       

Addamo, Sebastiano
Vittorini e la narrativa siciliana contemporanea / Sebastiano Addamo
Caltanissetta (etc.) - Sciascia, (1962)
Testo Monografico

Addante, Pietro
Vita e pensiero di Francesco A. Piro in relazione al problema del male - pars dissertationis ad lauream in facultate s. theologiae apud Pontificium Athenaeum Angelicum De Urbe / Pietro Addante
Paola - Tip. Basilica S. Francesco, 1960
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Addison, Herbert
Land, water and food - a topical commentary on the past, present and future of irrigation, land reclamation and the food supplies they yield / Herbert Addison
London - Chapman & Hall, 1961
Testo Monografico

Ade, George
The America of George Ade, 1866-1944 - fables, short stories, essays / edited with an introduction by Jean Shepherd
New York - Capricorn Books, 1962
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Adenet - le Roi
4- Berte aus grans pies / (a cura di) ALbert Henry
Bruxelles - Presses universitaires de Bruxelles ; Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1963
Incluso in > Les oeuvres d'Adenet le roi / par Albert Henry
Testo Monografico

Adenis, D.
Fragilite et fragilisation des metaux ed altriiages / D. Adenis & P. Blanchard
Paris - Dunod, 1963
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Adhémar, Hélène
/ Helene Adhemar
Bruxelles - Centre national de recherches Primitifs Flamands, 1962
Incluso in > Le Musee National du Louvre / Helene Adhemar
Testo Monografico

Adinolfi, Marco
Ispirazione e inerranza / Marco Adinolfi
Roma - Edizioni paoline, stampa 1962
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Adkins, Arthur William Hope
La morale dei greci - da Omero ad Aristotele / Arthur W. H. Adkins
Bari - Laterza, 1964
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Adler, Betty
H. L. M. The Mencken bibliography / compiled by Betty Adler with the assistance of Jane Wilhelm ..
Baltimore - J. Hopkins, 1961
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Adler, Hans Günther
Theresienstadt, 1941-1945 - Das Antlitz einer Zwangsgemeinschaft - Geschichte, Soziologie, Psychologie / Hans Gunther Adler
Tübingen - Mohr, 1960
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Adler, Irving
Come pensano le macchine / di Irving Adler
Milano - V. Bompiani, 1964
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Adler, Johann Anton
Elsevier's dictionary of criminal science in eight languages - English/American, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and German / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical base by Johann Anton Adler
Amsterdam - Elsevier, 1960
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Adler, Polly
Case chiuse / Polly Adler ; traduzione di Marisa Bulgheroni
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1964
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Adler, Samuel
Elegy - for string orchestra / Samuel Adler
Bryn Mawr - T. Presser Co., ©1964
Musica (stampa)