Bibliografia Taur
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1984-1986

Pagina nr. 782 di 1676       

Chandler, James K.
Wordsworth's second nature - a study of the poetry and politics / James K. Chandler
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago press, 1984
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Chandler, Raymond
Addio, mia amata / Raymond Chandler ; disegni di Hans Hillmann
(Ivrea) - Olivetti, (1986)
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Chandler, Raymond
Farewell, my lovely / Raymond Chandler
Harmondsworth - Penguin, stampa 1984
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Chaney, Edward
The grand tour and the great rebellion - Richard Lassels and The voyage of Italy, in the seventeenth century / by Edward Chaney
Genève - Slatkine ; Moncalieri - Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul viaggio in Italia, 1985
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Chang, Jolan
Le donne e il tao dell'amore - vivere e amare in armonia con la natura / Jolan Chang ; traduzione di Fernando Solinas
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1986
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Chanlot, Andree
Les ouvrages en cheveux - leurs secrets / Andrée Chanlot ; préface de Zeev Gourarier
Paris - Les éditions de l'amateur, 1986
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Chantebout, Bernard
Le tiers monde / Bernard Chantebout
Paris - Colin, c1986
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Chantelou, Paul - Fréart, sieur de
Diary of the cavaliere Bernini's visit to France / Paul Freart de Chantelou ; edited and with an introduction by Anthony Blunt ; annotated by George C. Bauer ; translated by Margery Corbett
Princeton - Princeton university, 1985
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Chapelot, Jean
The village & house in the Middle Ages / Jean Chapelot, Robert Fossier ; translated by Henry Cleere
London - B. T. Batsford, c1985
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Chapman, Charlotte Gower
Milocca - un villaggio siciliano / Charlotte Gower Chapman ; a cura di Vito Messana ; con la collaborazione di Arturo Petix
Milano - F. Angeli, 1985
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Chapon, François
Mystère et splendeurs de Jacques Doucet - 1853-1929 / François Chapon
Paris - Lattes, 1984
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Chaponniere, Jean-Raphael
La puce et le rize - croissance dans le Sud-Est asiatique / Jean Raphael Chaponniere
Paris - Colin, 1985
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Chapouton, Anne Marie
Carecarecaramelle / Anne Marie Chapouton ; illustrato da Emanuela Collini ; testi di Sergio Cioncolini
Milano - Piccoli, c1985
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Chapouton, Anne Marie
I Trillifolletti e l'elisir di sole / testo di Anne-Marie Chapouton ; tradotto da Teresa Preve ; illustrazioni di Gerda Muller
Milano - Piccoli, 1984
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Chappuis, Raymond
La psychologie des relations humaines / Raymond Chappuis
Paris - PUF, 1986
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