Bibliografia Taur
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990-1993

Pagina nr. 1610 di 1766       

Shaw, Margret
Ieri e domani / Margret Shaw ; traduzione di Chiara Arnone
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1993
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Shawn, Wallace
La febbre / Wallace Shawn ; traduzione dall'americano di Silvia Nono ; in appendice Noi e il Terzo Mondo- appunti per una storia di Goffredo Fofi
Roma - E/o, 1992
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Shearman, John
Only connect... - art and the spectator in the Italian Renaissance / John Shearman
Washington, D. C. - The national gallery of art ; Princeton, New Jersey - Princeton university press, ©1992
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Sheehan, William
Worlds in the sky - planetary discovery from earliest times through Voyager and Magellan / William Sheehan
Tucson ; London - The University of Arizona press, c1992
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Sheehy, Gail
Il passaggio muto / Gail Sheehy ; traduzione di Serena Lauzi
Milano - Rizzoli, 1993
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Shehu, Bashkim
Le ombre - racconti albanesi / Bashkim Shehu ; traduzione di Eugenio Scalambrino
Roma - Manifestolibri, (1993
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Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives, edited by Johanna M. Smith
Boston - Bedford books of St. Martin's press, ©1992
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Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Hellas - dramma lirico / Percy B. Shelley ; a cura di Mario Cialfi
Bergamo - P. Lubrina, 1991
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Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Poesie / Percy Bysshe Shelley ; a cura di Roberto Sanesi
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1990
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Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Poesie / Percy Bysshe Shelley ; a cura di Roberto Sanesi
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1990
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Shepard, Thomas H.
Catalog of teratogenic agents / Thomas H. Shepard
ed. - Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, 1992
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Sheperd, Michael
La matrice sociale della psichiatria / Michael Shepherd
Torino - Bollati Boringhieri, c1990
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Shiffrin, Steven H.
The first amendment, democracy, and romance / Steven H. Shiffrin
Cambridge Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, 1990
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Shingo, Shigeo
Ingegneria creativa / Shigeo Shingo ; presentazione di Silvio Rubbia ; introduzione di Norman Bodek
Torino - ISEDI, 1992
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Shively, W. Phillips
Power and choice - an introduction to political science / W. Phillips Shively
New York - McGraw-Hill, c1993
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