Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Matematica

Pagina nr. 1861 di 3515       

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
Papers relating to political economy / by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
New York - Franklin, (196.
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Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
Psichica matematica / F.Y. Edgeworth
Torino - Utet, 1937
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Edgington, Eugene S.
Randomization tests / Eugene S. Edgington
New York etc. - M. Dekker, c1987
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Edgington, Eugene S.
Randomization tests / Eugene S. Edgington
New York etc. - M. Dekker, c1995
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Edgington, Eugene S.
Statistical inference - the distribution-free approach / Eugene S. Edgington
New York - McGraw-Hill, ©1969
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Edmiston, Margaret C.
Rompicapo matematici / Margaret C. Edmiston ; trad. e adattamenti di Luciano Spaggiari
Trezzano sul Naviglio - Il castello, 2002
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Edson, Evelyn
Mapping time and space - how medieval mapmakers viewed their world / Evelyn Edson
London - The British library, 1997
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Edwards, Anthony William Fairbank
Cogwheels of the mind - the story of Venn Diagrams / A. W. F. Edwards ; foreword by Ian Stewart
Baltimore ; London - The John Hopkins University Press, 2004
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Edwards, Anthony William Fairbank
Foundations of mathematical genetics / A. W. F. Edwards
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 1977
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Edwards, Charles Henry
The historical development of the calculus / C. H. Edwards
New York etc. - Springer, c1979
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Edwards, David I.
Introduction to graphical modelling / David Edwards
New York etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1995
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Edwards, David I.
Introduction to graphical modelling / David Edwards
New York - Springer, c2000
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Edwards, Harold M.
Advanced calculus - a differential forms approach / Harold M. Edwards
Boston etc. - Birkhauser, 1994
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Edwards, Robert E.
A formal background to mathematics / R. E. Edwards
New York etc. - Springer
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Edwards, Robert E.
Littlewood-Paley and multiplier theory / R. E. Edwards, G. I. Gaudry
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, 1977
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