Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Matematica

Pagina nr. 3432 di 3515       

Von Neumann, John
Collected works / John von Neumann ; general editor A. H. Taub
Oxford (etc.) - Pergamon press
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Von Neumann, John
I fondamenti matematici della meccanica quantistica / Johann von Neumann ; a cura di Giovanni Boniolo
Padova - Il poligrafo, 1998
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Von Neumann, John
Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik / von Johann v. Neumann
Berlin etc. , 1968
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Vonesh, Edward F.
Linear and nonlinear models for the analysis of repeated measurements / Edward F. Vonesh, Vernon M. Chinchilli
New York etc. - Marcel Dekker, c1997
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Voorhees, Burton H.
Computational analysis of one-dimensional cellular automata / Burton H. Voorhees
Singapore - World scientific, 1996
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Vorob'ev, Nikolaj Nikolaevic
Foundations of game theory - noncooperative games / Nicolai N. Vorobev ; translated from the Russian by Ralph P. Boas
Basel etc. - Birkhauser, 1994
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Vorovka, K.
Uvahy o názoru v matematice
Praze - Nákl. Ceské Akad, 1917
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Vorst, Henk A. - van der
Iterative Krylov methods for large linear systems / Henk A. van der Vorst
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2003
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Vose, David
Quantitative risk analysis - a guide to Monte Carlo simulation modelling / David Vose
Chichester etc. - John Wiley, c1996
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Vose, David
Risk analysis - a quantitative guide / David Vose
Chichester (etc. - Wiley, (2000
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Voss, Aurel Edmond
1- Die mathematischen Wissenschaften / unter Leitung von F. Klein. 2, Die beziehungen der Mathematik zur Kultur der Gegenwart . Die Verbreitung mathematischen Wissens und mathematischer Auffassung / H. E. Timerding
Berlin ; Leipzig - B. G. Teubner, 1914
Incluso in > 3- Mathematischen, naturwissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Kulturgebiete.
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Voss, Klaus
Discrete images, objects, and functions in Z/n / Klaus Voss
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1993
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Vota, Laura
Di alcune limitazioni che interessano la matematica finanziaria / Laura Vota
, Torino - Tip.V.Bona,1958
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Vota, Laura
Generalizzazione di un teorema di Sibirani / Laura Vota
Torino - Tip. V. Bona, 1959
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Votocek, Emil
Chemicky slovnik polsko-cesky - s castecnym zretelem na matematiku, fysiku, geometrii a mineralogii / Emil Votocek
V Praze - nakladem Ceske akademie pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni, 1931
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