(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Medicina |
Pagina nr. 1214 di 8096 |
Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Verbeitungsweise der Hautnerven beim Menschen - Inaugural-Dissertation der medicinischen Fakultat der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universitat Strassburg zur Erlangung der Doctorwurde / vorgelegt von Victor Bychower Strassburg - Heitz, 1888 Testo Monografico Byers, Steven N. Introduction to forensic anthropology - a textbook / Steven N. Byers °Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Pearson education, c2005 Testo Monografico Byford, William Heath The practice of medicine and surgery - applied to the diseases and accidents incident to women / W. H. Byford Philadelphia - Lindsay & Blakiston, 1888 Testo Monografico Byford, William Heath The practice of medicine and surgery applied to the Diseases and Accidents incident to Women / by Wm. H. Byford Philadelphia - Lindsay & Blakiston, 1865 Testo Monografico Byk, Christian Ethique et droit face au developpement des sciences biologiques et medicales - donnees pour une methodologie legislative en Europe a partir de l'exemple nord-americain / Christian Byk Lille - Universite de Lille 3., 1991 Testo Monografico Byk, Christian Medical and biological progress and the European Convention on Human Rights / study prepared by Christian Byk Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1994 Testo Monografico Byl, (medico) Amour, stérilité - ses causes / docteur Byl ; illustrations de Marfa Paris - Librairie des connaissances médicales, (19..) Testo Monografico Byla, Pierre I prodotti biologici medicinali - albuminoidi, enzimi, organoterapia - formulario pratico / Pierre Byla Milano - Tip. Istituto Marchiondi, 1907 Testo Monografico Byla, Pierre Les produits biologique medicinaux / par P. Byla et H. Penau Paris - Maloine et fils, 1921 Testo Monografico Bynum, William F. The History of Medicine - A Very Short Introduction / William Bynum Oxford - Oxford university press, 2008 Testo Monografico Bynum, William F. Science and the practice of medicine in the nineteenth century / W. F. Bynum Cambridge - University Press, 1994 Testo Monografico Byrd, Oliver E. Medical readings on drug abuse / (by) Oliver E. Byrd Reading, Mass - Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, (1970) Testo Monografico Bzowski, Abraham (1567-1637) Nomenclator sanctorum professione medicorum. Anniuersariam quorum festiuitatem uniuersalis celebrat ecclesia. Cura Fr. Abrahami Bzouij s. theol. mag. ord. pred. Ad antiquitatis memoriam elabor Romæ - typis Petri Discipuli, 1621 Testo Monografico Bäck, Abraham (1713-1795) Dissertatio medica, De medicamentis domesticis eorumque usu in dysenteria, quam, ... publico examini subjiciunt auctor Abraham Bæck, ... et respondens stipendiarius regius Johannes Bergius, ... die 28. Febr. anni 1761 .. Upsaliæ impressa Testo Monografico Bäck, Abraham (1713-1795) Åminnelse-tal öfver kongl. vetensk. academiens framledne ledamot, medicinæ-doctoren herr Fredric Hasselquist, hållit för kongl. vetenskaps academien den 6 maji, år 1758. Af dess medlem Abraham Bäck ... På kongl. vetenskaps academiens tilstånd Stockholm - tryckt hos direct. Lars Salvius Testo Monografico |