Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 1623 di 8096       

Chandon, Jean Hippolyte Victor
Quæstio medico-chirurgica. An in omni partu, prægnantis vitam servare possit obstetricans expertus? ... in Augustissimo Ludoviceo medico Monspeliensi, propugnata, auctore, Joanne-Hyppolito Victore Chandon ... pro baccalaureatus gradu consequendo
Monspelii - apud Joannem Martel, natu majorem ..., 1776
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Chandra, Ramesh
Introductory physics of nuclear medicine / Ramesh Chandra
Philadelphia - Lea & Febiger, 1992
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Chandra, Ramesh
Nuclear medicine physics - the basics / Ramesh Chandra. 7. ed
xv, 208 p. - ill
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Chandra, Ramesh
Nuclear medicinice physics - The basics / Ramesh Chandra
Philadelphia etc. - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2012
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Chang, Chumg-ching (fl.168-196)
Shang han lun - wellspring of chinese medicine / Chang Chung-Ching (A.D. 142-220), with a modern interpretation by Otsuka Keisetsu ; edited by Hong-yen Hsu and William G. Peacher
New Canaan - Keats publishing inc., 1995
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Chang, Tai-chao
The treatment of cancer by integrated chinese-western medicine / by Zhang Dai-zhao ; translated by Zhang Tin-liang and Bob Flaws
Boulder, CO - Blue Poppy Press, 1994
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Chang, Thomas Ming Swi
Artificial cells - biotechnology, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine, blood substitutes, bioencapsulation, and cell/stem cell therapy / Thomas Ming Swi Chang
Singapore - World Scientific Publishing, ©2007
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Chanot, (medico omeopata)
Jalousie / dr. Chanot (de Nantes).
Incluso in > L' homoeopathie francaise - isotherapie, organotherapie, homoeotherapie
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Chanot, (medico omeopata)
Thuya... ou 50 ans aprés / dr. Chanot (de nantes).
Incluso in > L' homoeopathie francaise - isotherapie, organotherapie, homoeotherapie
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Chantavoine, Jean
Beethoven / Jean Chantavoine. - Septieme ed. - Avec portrait hors texte et citations musicales dans le texte. - Paris - F. Alcan, 1913. - 259 p., 1 tav. - es. mus. ; 20 cm. - *Extrait du catalogue - Philosophie - Histoire - Sciences - Medicine - Economie Politique - Statistique - Finances
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Chantraine, Alex
Rieducazione neurologica - guida pratica alla rieducazione nelle patologie neurologiche / Alex Chantraine ; ed. ital. a cura di Carlo Bertolini
Roma - Delfino Edizione, c1997
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Chapkis, Wendy
Dying to get high - marijuana as medicine / Wendy Chapkis and Richard J. Webb
New York - New York University Press, c2008
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Chapman, Christine M.
Sociologia per la professione infermieristica / Christine M. Chapman
Roma - Ed. Armando Armando, 1983
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Chapman, Roger
Self-assessment colour review of hepatobiliary medicine / Roger Chapman , Henry C. Bodenheimer
London - Manson, 2003
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Chapotin, Albert
Les défaitistes de l'amour - étude anecdotique, médicale et historique sur les égarements de l'instinct et la stérilité volontaire / Albert Chapotin
Paris - Le livre pour tous, (dopo il 1921)
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