Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 4060 di 8096       

Jordan, Charles B.
Qualitative analysis for students of pharmacy and medicine / by Charles B. Jordan and Henry George DeKay
New york And London - McGraw Hill, c1938
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Jordan, Edwin P.
Rx for medical writing - a useful guide to principles and practice of effective scientific writing and illustration / by Edwin P. Jordan and Willard C. Shepard
Philadelphia ; London - W. B. Saunders, 1952, rist. 1953
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Jordan, Seth N.
Beitrage zur Kenntniss der pharmakologischen Gruppe des Muscarins - Inauguraldissertation vorgelegt der medicinischen Fakultat zu Strassburg I. E / von Seth N. Jordan
Leipzig - J. B. Hirschfeld, 1877
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Jordan, Thomas
Thomae Iordani medici Pestis phaenomena seu De iis quae circa febrem pestilentem apparent, exercitatio
Frankfurt am Mein - apud Andream Wechelum, 1586
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Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Defining features - scientific and medical portraits - 1600-2000 / Ludmilla Jordanova
London - The National Portrait Gallery - Reaktion Books, 2000
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Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Nature displayed - gender, science and medicine, 1760-1820 / essays by Ludmilla Jordanova
London ; New York - Longman, 1999
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Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Sexual vision - images of gender in sciencee and medicine between the eighteeth and twentyth centuries / Ludmilla Jordanova
New York - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989
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Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Sexual visions - Images of gender in science and medicine between the Eighteenth and Twentieth centuries / Ludmilla Jordanova
New York etc. - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989
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Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Sexual visions - images of gender in science and medicine between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries / Ludmilla Jordanova
New York etc. - Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989
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Jorde, Lynn B.
Medical genetics / Lynn B. Jorde ... (ed altri)
St. Louis (etc.) - Mosby, c2000
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Jorde, Rolf
The diabetes survey in Bergen, Norway, 1956 - an epidemiological study and a study of blood sugar values related to sex, age and weight / by Rolf Jorde
Bergen ; Oslo - Norwegian University Press, 1962
Incluso in > Acta Universitatis Bergensis. Series medica. Nova series / Universitet i Bergen
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Jordán, Thomás (1539-1586)
Thomae Iordani a Clausoburgo ... De aquis medicatis Morauiae, Commentariolus. Cum indice copiosissimo
Francofurdi - apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, 1586
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Jores, Arthur
1 Symposium of the fourth european conference on psycosomatic researc - advances in psycosomatic medicine / A. Jores et B. Stokvis
Hamburg - A.Jores et H. Freyberger Hamburg, 1960
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Jores, Arthur
Die Medizin in der Krise unserer Zeit / Arthur Jores
Bern ; Stuttgart - Huber, c1961
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Jores, Arthur
Trattato di medicina psicosomatica / Arthur Jores ; traduzione di Mario Chiare nza ; presentazione di Domenico Campanacci
Firenze - Editrice Universitaria, 1964
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