Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 4399 di 8096       

Lewis, Philip (medico)
The foot and ankle - their injuries, diseases, deformities and disabilities / Philip Lewis
Philadelphia - Lea & Febiger, 1959
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Lewis, Scott M.
Emergency medicine malpractice / Scott M. Lewis ; contributing author Jeffrey R. McCutchen
New York - Wiley, 1987
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Lewis, Thomas
Le malattie del cuore - per medici e studenti / Thomas Lewis ; traduzione italiana dalla ed. inglese a cura del prof. Giuseppe Lazzaro
Roma - L. Pozzi, 1935
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Lewis, Thomas
Le malattie del cuore per medici e studenti / Thomas Lewis ; traduzione italiana dalla edizione Inglese a cura del prof. Giuseppe Lazzaro
Roma - L. Pozzi, 1935
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Lewis, Thomas H.
The medicine men - Oglala Sioux ceremony and healing / Thomas H. Lewis
Lincoln etc. - University of Nebraska press - in cooperation with the American indian studies research institute, c1990
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Lewis, Walter H.
Medical botany - plants affecting man's health / Walter H. Lewis, Memory P. F. Elvin-Lewis
New York (etc.) - J. Wiley, c1977
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
Connoissance pratique des medicamens les plus salutaires, simples & composes, officinaux & extemporanes ou magistraux, internes & externes, & c. ou nouveau dispensaire, qui contient 1o. La chymie pharmaceutique. 2o. Les noms, la description, les qualites, proprietes, vertus, doses et usages des medicamens simples. 3o. Les preparations & compositions des pharmacopees de Londres, d'Edimbourg, & c .4o. Les formules ou recettes choisies des hopitaux Anglais, celles des medecins les plus celebres. Par M. Lewis. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois, avec des augmentations de l'editeur. Tome premier (-troissieme)
3 v. ; 8º
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
Connoissance pratique des médicamens les plus salutaires, simples & composés, officinaux & extemporanés ou magistraux, internes & externes, &c., ou Nouveau dispensaire, qui contient 1. La chymie pharmaceutique ... Par m. Lewis. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois, avec des augmentations de l'editeur. Tome premier (-troisieme)
A Paris - chez la veuve Desaint, rue du Foin S. Jacques, 1775
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
The Edinburgh new dispensatory- containing 1. The elements of pharmaceutical chemistry. 2. The materia medica ... 3. The pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal compositions of the new editions of the London (1788) and Edinburgh (1783) pharmacopoeias ... Being an improvement upon the New Dispensatory of dr Lewis
Edinburgh - printed for Charles Elliot ... etc.?, 1789
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
An experimental history of the materia medica, or of the natural and artificial substances made use of in medicine- containing a compendious view of their natural history ... by William Lewis ..
London - printed by H. Baldwin - for the author - and sold by R. Willock, at Sir Isaac Newton's head in Cornhill, 1761
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
An experimental history of the materia medica, or of the natural and artificial substances made use of in medicine- containing a compendious view of their natural history, an account of their pharmaceutic properties, and an estimate of their medicinal powers ... by William Lewis ..
London - printed for J. Johnson ... and R. Baldwin ..., 1784
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
The new dispensatory- containing 1. The theory and practice of pharmacy. 2. A distribution of medicinal simples, according to their virtues and sensible qualities ... 3. A full translation of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias ... 4. Directions for extemporaneous prescription ... 5. A collection of cheap remedies for the use of the poor ... Intendes as a correction, and improvement of Quincy
London - printed for J. Nourse ... , 1753
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Lewis, William (m. 1781)
The new dispensatory- containing, 1. The elements of pharmacy. 2. The materia medica, ... 3. The preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopeias; ... The whole interspersed with practical cautions and observations. By W. Lewis ..
London - printed for F. Wingrave (successor to Mr. Nourse) ...; J. Johnson ...; G.G. and J. Robinson ...; and W.J. and J. Richardson, 1799
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Lewitan, Itzik (1881- )
Fieber bei subcutanen Knochenfracturen - Inaugural-Dissertation, welche zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin und Chirurgie, mit Zustimmung der Medicinischen Facultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin am 16. Januar 1908 nebst den beigefügten Thesen / öffentlich verteidigen wird der Verfasser Itzik Lewitan ; Opponenten Wolpert, Natansohn, Leiboff
Berlin - E. Ebering, (1908 )
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Lexel, Erich
Trattato di chirurgia generale ad uso dei medici e studenti / pel dott. Erich Lexer ; con prefazione del prof. E. v. Bergmann ; traduzione italiana del dott. Alessandro Clerici
Milano - Società editrice libraria, 1906
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